What does the shift of SAP S/4HANA mean to your enterprise infrastructure?

SAP HANA delivers the real-time operations with reduced complexity that you need for the digital economy, but the shift to SAP S/4HANA means a transformation to a Linux-based SAP infrastructure.

SAP and SUSE have partnered for several years now to bring you the ideal SAP infrastructure for speed, stability and security. You’ve made a significant investment in time and resources to ensure that it meets your need for growth and efficiency.

SUSE is proud to be the open, open source company, allowing you to integrate SAP S/4HANA and Linux into your existing infrastructure. Simplifying your migration reduces time, money and risk. Read how your move to Linux doesn’t have to be complex.


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Digitale Souveränität in der öffentlichen Verwaltung: Sieben Schritte, die jetzt notwendig sind

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NIS-2 und Container Security: So verbessern Sie die Resilienz und Sicherheit containerisierter Anwendungen

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Sechs Gründe, warum Sie beim Thema NIS-2 mit SUSE zusammenarbeiten sollten

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