Unsere ESG-Vision
Die Vision von SUSE ist es, bei gesellschaftlichen und ökologischen Themen, die für unsere Stakeholder von Bedeutung sind, einen echten Einfluss zu haben. Um unsere Vision zu verwirklichen, setzen wir auf Führungsstärke, Mitarbeitereinbindung und strategische Partnerschaften.
- Engaged Employee Resources Groups (ERGs)
- Engagement platforms, including the Global Engagement Calendar (GEC), Employee Volunteering and other initiatives
- ESG training for our salesforce to build awareness and enable customer conversations
- External organizations aligned with our ethos & ESG priorities, including the World Wildlife Fund and ChapterOne.
- Independent endorsements & certifications, including UNGC and EcoVadis.
Unsere Fokusbereiche
SUSE ist ein transparentes und zweckorientiertes Unternehmen, das Innovationen vorantreibt, um Lösungen zu entwickeln, und gleichzeitig einen positiven Beitrag für die Gesellschaft leistet. Die Eigenverpflichtung, unsere ESG-Strategie entschieden zu verfolgen, ist Mitgrund für unseren Erfolg. Wir haben bereits in vielen Bereichen bedeutende Fortschritte erzielt und werden diese auch weiterhin erzielen.
Diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI), employee engagement and wellbeing are key priorities for SUSE. We want all our people to feel supported by our unique and vibrant culture to ensure that everyone at SUSE can bring their authentic selves to work.
Our people are at the core of everything that we do. Diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI), employee engagement and wellbeing are key priorities for SUSE. We want all our people to feel supported by our unique and vibrant culture to ensure that everyone at SUSE can bring their authentic selves to work. Find out more about our people here.
We're passionate about supporting communities for good and for sustainability. By enabling our customers to innovate everywhere, we organically help them to create more sustainable enterprises.
We apply a scientific approach to climate action by decarbonizing our business and value chain while delivering energy-efficient products and solutions. We set ambitious goals backed by strong stakeholder participation and aligned with the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi).
Our compliance policies, governance framework and integrated risk management processes allow SUSE to operate ethically, govern effectively and ensure integrity in the way we do business.
SUSE Mitarbeiternetzwerke
Die SUSE Mitarbeiternetzwerke wurden entwickelt, um eine integrative und heterogene Umgebung für Mitarbeiter zu schaffen, und so die Zusammenarbeit und gegenseitige Unterstützung im Unternehmen zu fördern.
Pride @ SUSE
Our mission is to work together to help members thrive and succeed while encouraging everyone to bring their authentic selves to work every day. Together, we will continually demonstrate the value of diversity at SUSE and within our own communities.
SUSE Women in Tech
Our mission is to empower, equipping every woman within the network with access to learning and development opportunities (e.g., professional development and networking opportunities) so they can advance their careers in technology.
SUSE GoGreen
Our mission is to promote initiatives that help SUSE (including employees, suppliers, partners, communities and customers) act responsibly when thinking about their collective environmental impact on the Earth.
SUSE Open Source Community Citizens
Our mission is foster connection and inspiration among current and aspiring open source enthusiasts and to learn about, unite, empower and support open source communities inside and outside SUSE.