root file system is not mounted with options as specified in /etc/fstab at boot up
This document (7001533) is provided subject to the disclaimer at the end of this document.
1. add usrquota and grpquota in /etc/fstab file on / or other partition
2. remount the partitions or reboot the server
3. verify the support to quota with mount command
4. execute quotacheck to create aquota.user and aquota.gruop files
5. enable quota service /etc/init.d/boot.quota
6. configure quotas for group or users.
Everything works properly until the server is restarted at which time the Invalid argument errror was seen for the / partition
Turning quota on
Checking quotas. This may take some time.
quotaon: using // on /dev/sda5 [/]: Invalid argument
quotaon: Maybe create new quota files with quotacheck(8)?
quotaon: using //aquota.user on /dev/sda5 [/]: Invalid argument
quotaon: Maybe create new quota files with quotacheck(8)?
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- Document ID:7001533
- Creation Date: 06-Oct-2008
- Modified Date:10-Mar-2021
- SUSE Linux Enterprise Server
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