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System start aborts with "Couldn't find device with uuid" with LVM data on MD device

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SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 11
SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 10 Service Pack 2
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 Service Pack 2


After the initial installation a kernel based software RAID device was created with YaST2 and formatted with LVM data. After the volume group got extended the system reports on reboot: 

   Couldn't find device with uuid" v2PqTb-ai9D-FgB9-jELP-4uTs-FTsN-eVwTt1

 and fails to start successfull.


The file /etc/mdadm.conf is missing in the initrd to initialize the md based RAID. As the initialization of md devices takes place at a later point LVM is not able to find the specified UUID with the extends it got assigned with the md device. Please update to mkinitrd to 1.2-106.83 and lvm2 to 2.02.17-7 or later.
Copy the existing initrd to a temporary location, unpack it, copy /etc/mdadm.conf to the folder etc of the unpacked initrd, create a new gzip'ed cpio archive of it and move the initrd back to /boot.
Detailed workaround:
  1.  Create a temporary folder

        'mkdir /tmp/initrd'
  2. Run the command:

       ' mkinitrd -f "lvm2 md" '

    to create an initrd with lvm2 and md support.
  3. copy initrd to folder and change directory:

        'cp /boot/initrd- /tmp/initrd'
        'cd /tmp/initrd'
  4. rename the initrd to a gzip'ed file:

        'mv initrd- initrd-'
  5. unpack the initrd:

        'gunzip initrd- && cpio -i -d < initrd-'
  6. delete the extracted file:

        'rm initrd-'
  7. copy /etc/mdadm.conf to extracted initrd

        'cp /etc/mdadm.conf /tmp/initrd/etc/'
  8. create a new archive:

        ' find . -print | cpio -o -Hnewc | gzip > /boot/'

    This will create the archive and a new initrd in /boot beside the existing one.
  9. Edit /boot/grub/menu.lst and change

        initrd /initrd-


    #    initrd /initrd-
        initrd /

    so the original line is kept as backup.

  10. reboot.

Additional Information

If the md device gets started using the command:

mdadm --create /dev/mdX --level=1 --raid-devices=2 /dev/sd[XY]z

this will not create a /etc/mdadm.conf file automatically. A config written by YaST2 usually contains information like this:
DEVICE partitions
ARRAY /dev/mdX level=raidY UUID=
To get the UUID for the md device run the command
mdadm -E /dev/sd[XY]z
against the RAID devices, like:
linux-zduj:~ # mdadm -E /dev/sd[bc]1 | grep UUID
           UUID : 9102301d:c0764c48:07f45e96:8dddb797
           UUID : 9102301d:c0764c48:07f45e96:8dddb797

So the file should look like:

DEVICE partitions
ARRAY /dev/md0 level=raid1 UUID=9102301d:c0764c48:07f45e96:8dddb797
The permissions for /etc/mdadm.conf are
linux-zduj:~ # ls -l /etc/mdadm.conf
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 86 2009-08-04 17:44 /etc/mdadm.conf


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  • Document ID:7004113
  • Creation Date: 06-Aug-2009
  • Modified Date:28-Sep-2022
    • SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop
    • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server

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