Package not found errors when running mgr-create-bootstrap-repo for Red Hat Expanded Support 6
This document (7018794) is provided subject to the disclaimer at the end of this document.
SUSE Manager 2.1
and selecting the distribution:
results in the following errors being returned:
ERROR: package 'python-simplejson' not found
ERROR: package 'python-markupsafe' not found
ERROR: package 'python-babel' not found
If the installation media was imported into a custom channel, try to run again with --with-custom-channel option
As a first step, the ISO needs to be mounted in a specified location, and the change needs to be made persistent by for example adding the following to "/etc/fstab" (adjust as needed for the local environment):
/media/isos/SLES-ES-6.7-x86_64-DVD.iso /media/rhel6 auto loop 0 0
Mount the new mount point specified in "/etc/fstab" by executing:
mount -a
Now the custom channel needs to be created, this can be accomplished by using the web UI of SUSE Manager:
Channels, Manage Software Channels, Create Channel
Channel name, label and summary need to be entered using self-describing names, such as "RES x86_64 Server 6.7 ISO" and "res-x86_64-server-6.7-iso". It is also important not to forget to set "RHEL x86_64 server 6" as the parent channel. These are the mandatory fields.
After the channel has been created, it can be populated using the following example command (the names have to be adjusted according to the environment):
spacewalk-repo-sync -c res-x86_64-server-6.7-iso -u file:///path/to/rhel_iso_directory
Once the files have been mirrored, which may take a couple of hours, the command mgr-create-bootstrap-repo should then succeed. Note however that the option to include custom channels needs to be added as a parameter:
mgr-create-bootstrap-repo --with-custom-channels
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- Document ID:7018794
- Creation Date: 11-Apr-2017
- Modified Date:03-Mar-2020
- SUSE Manager
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