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glx-gears -stereo is not displayed in 3D for IceWM environment

This document (7022462) is provided subject to the disclaimer at the end of this document.


SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 12 SP2
SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 12 SP3


glxgears -stereo is not displayed in 3D for SLES12 SP2 & SP3 IceWM environment


open Terminal and run following commands:

$ sudo -i
# yast2 sysconfig
Select "Desktop" and hit spacebar for sub-menu, select "Display manager" and hit spacebar again,
select DISPLAYMANAGER and hit enter. Use Tab key or Alt+e key combination to change DISPLAYMANAGER setting.
Select "xdm" from the list.

Use Tab key for switching back to Configuration Options, use arrow buttons and select Window manager,
hit spacebar and select DEFAULT_WM Use Tab or Alt+e to change Setting of: DEFAULT_WM
Select "icewm" from the list. Select "Finish" with Alt+f key combination to take over the new settings.

The default display manager is now xdm instead of gdm and the default window manager is icewm
as xdm doesn't allow to change the window manager before login.

Now change settings for extensions:
# vim /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/50-extensions.conf
You should see:
> Section "Extensions"
> Option "XFree86-DGA" "Disable"

> EndSection
Edit this to:
> Section "Extensions"
> Option "XFree86-DGA" "Disable"

> Option "Composite" "Disable"

> EndSection
Save the changes you have made:
press Esc, :wq and hit Enter
and reboot with
shutdown -r now
XDM asks for the user name first and then for the password. Enter both, IceWM should come up after login.


Stereo visual are not supported together with compositing as per NVidia driver documentation:
Workstation overlays, stereo visuals, and the unified back buffer (UBB)
are incompatible with Composite. These features will be automatically
disabled when Composite is detected.


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  • Document ID:7022462
  • Creation Date: 14-Dec-2017
  • Modified Date:03-Mar-2020
    • SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop

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