SUSE Customer Center (SCC) enablement for SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11
This document (7024042) is provided subject to the disclaimer at the end of this document.
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP3
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 for SAP Applications SP3
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 Servers that are currently registered to the Novell Customer Center (NCC) will need to be enabled or migrated to the SUSE Customer Center (SCC) in order to receive future maintenance updates.
When attempting to register a new SLES 11 system with the following type of command, if this adjustment to SCC has not been made, the following error will occur:
suse_register -a regcode-sles=<registration_key> -a email=<email_address> ERROR: No registration key for SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP4 was provided. Registration failed.(99)
2. Logs are written to syslog and tagged with "suse_register"
3. Three log levels are being used: "info"(default), "debug" and "error"
4. Successful migration is marked in the logs with "info" level by "Migration completed successfully."
5. The update script is schedule by a file in /etc/cron.d and will be removed automatically when changes were done.
6. In case of an error, suse_register's logs are written to /root/.suse_register.log
7. The location of migration script is /usr/lib/suseRegister/bin/cron_migration_to_scc. Could be ran also manually, logs to syslog not to stdout.
- For new SLES-11 installation from DVD media please skip the registration.
- After installation, run the registration directly to SCC as shown below.
url =
url =
sed -i 's#' /etc/suseRegister.conf
grep 'url = ' /etc/suseRegister.conf
url = listParams = command=listparams register = command=register listProducts = command=listproducts addRegSrvSrc = true
# suse_register -a email=<> -a regcode=<SLES-Key> Registration finished successfully,refresh all services # zypper refs Refreshing service 'scc_suse_com'. All services have been refreshed. # zypper lr # | Alias | Name | Enabled | Refresh --+------------------------------------------+-----------------------------+---------+-------- 1 | scc_suse_com:SLE11-Public-Cloud-Module | SLE11-Public-Cloud-Module | Yes | Yes 2 | scc_suse_com:SLE11-SP4-Debuginfo-Pool | SLE11-SP4-Debuginfo-Pool | No | Yes 3 | scc_suse_com:SLE11-SP4-Debuginfo-Updates | SLE11-SP4-Debuginfo-Updates | No | Yes 4 | scc_suse_com:SLE11-Security-Module | SLE11-Security-Module | No | Yes 5 | scc_suse_com:SLES11-Extras | SLES11-Extras | No | Yes 6 | scc_suse_com:SLES11-SP4-Pool | SLES11-SP4-Pool | Yes | Yes 7 | scc_suse_com:SLES11-SP4-Updates | SLES11-SP4-Updates | Yes | Yes
- Install SLES-11 from DVD media and skip the registration.
- Run the client SMT re-registration.
Installed SLES-11 clients
- No changes on client needed as SMT is connected to SCC
- Install SLES-11 from DVD media and skip the registration.
- Run the client SUSE MANAGER traditional or salt re-registration.
- No changes on client need as SUSE MANAGER is connected to SCC
Additional Information
Please read the following TID before trying to use the information contained in this document:
SMT running on SLES11 SP4 can no longer synchronize any repository content
This Support Knowledgebase provides a valuable tool for SUSE customers and parties interested in our products and solutions to acquire information, ideas and learn from one another. Materials are provided for informational, personal or non-commercial use within your organization and are presented "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND.
- Document ID:7024042
- Creation Date: 30-Jul-2019
- Modified Date:18-Dec-2024
- SUSE Linux Enterprise Server
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