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SAP license verification fails after upgrade to SLES12 SP5 due to system UUID change

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SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP5
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP5 for SAP


After an upgrade to SLES12 SP5, alphabetic characters in /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/product_uuid are switched to lower-case whereas previous SLES versions use upper-case characters in the UUID string. 
This may impact case-sensitive tools that read this UUID, such as SAP license registration/verification checks.


The problematic patch was reverted in the SLES 12 SP5 kernel 4.12.14-122.26.1 (released on 19 June 2020).

The kernel 4.12.14-122.26.1 or any newer kernels for SLES 12 SP5 contain the following change:
* Mon Jun 08 2020
- Delete patches.suse/firmware-dmi_scan-use-lowercase-letters-for-uuid.patch
  The letter case change breaks compatibility with the SAP license
  generator and possibly others. It was drawn into SLE12-SP5 through
  SLE15 while it wasn't meant to go there, so remove it now.
- commit 726940c

If you use the kernel 4.12.14-122.26.1 or any newer kernels for SLES 12 SP5, you should not encounter the described issue.


A patch was merged into the SLES12 SP5 kernels in order to comply with RFC4122.


Reported to Engineering

Additional Information

This change will not be reverted in SLES15+ as this is considered the new standard.

A new SAP note will be created at a later time which addresses this problem.

Relevant RFC:


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  • Document ID:000019647
  • Creation Date: 16-Jun-2020
  • Modified Date:16-Jul-2021
    • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server
    • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications

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