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The AutoYaST rules.xml cannot be found

This document (000020285) is provided subject to the disclaimer at the end of this document.


SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12


When attempting to use a rules.xml file, the installation gives the error and dialog:

System Profile Location
A profile for this machine could not be found or retrieved. Check that you entered the correct location on the command line and try again. Because of this error, you can only enter a URL to a profile and not to a directory. If you are using rules or host name-based control files, restart the installation process and make sure the control files are accessible.

If the profile location is changed to a specific AutoYaST control file and retry selected, the following error is observed:

An error occurred while fetching the profile:
Cannot find URL 'http://<install_server>/autoyast/profile/control.xml' via protocol HTTP(S). Server returned code 0.

After switching to the F2 console, the ip address command shows the network is not connected.
The Installation Boot Options line is: 
textmode=1 nosplash autoyast=http://<install_server>/autoyast/profile/
However, when specifying a specific AutoYaST control file, it works correctly, for example:
textmode=1 nosplash autoyast=http://<install_server>/autoyast/profile/control.xml


Include the advanced network directive on the Boot Options line, for example:
textmode=1 nosplash ifcfg=eth*=dhcp autoyast=http://<install_server>/autoyast/profile/



Linuxrc handles network connectivity during installation. Linuxrc does not support AutoYaST rules-based profiles. If Linuxrc detects a directory with a trailing '/', it will not start the network. If Linuxrc detects a file, it starts the network and loads the AutoYaST profile.


Reported to Engineering


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  • Document ID:000020285
  • Creation Date: 11-Jun-2021
  • Modified Date:25-Jun-2021
    • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server

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