[Rancher] How do I change severity level on an open case?
This document (000020296) is provided subject to the disclaimer at the end of this document.
I have reviewed the severity levels listed below and I would now like to know how I can change the severity level of an open case myself.
Severity | Description |
Sev 1 (Critical) | The solution is in production or is mission-critical to your business. It is inoperable, and the situation is resulting in a total disruption of work. There is no workaround available. |
Sev 2 (High) | Operations are severely restricted, but work can continue. Core functionalities can operate in a restricted fashion despite important features being unavailable. A workaround is available that ensures no immediate business impact. |
Sev3 (Medium) | The solution does not work as designed, resulting in a minor loss of usage. It may also be a significant software defect that impacts the Customer when performing some actions and has no workaround. |
Sev 4 (Low) | There is no loss of service, and this may be a request for documentation, general information, product enhancement request, Software defects with workarounds or medium or low functionality impact, etc. |
During the life of the case, you can also recategorize it to sev3 or sev4 by using bump_to_sev3 or bump_to_sev4. Using these bump_to_ strings for sev1 and sev2 will trigger our escalation workflows, where sev3 and sev4 will update the severity with no escalation workflows.
This Support Knowledgebase provides a valuable tool for SUSE customers and parties interested in our products and solutions to acquire information, ideas and learn from one another. Materials are provided for informational, personal or non-commercial use within your organization and are presented "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND.
- Document ID:000020296
- Creation Date: 23-Jun-2021
- Modified Date:10-Nov-2021
- SUSE Rancher
- SUSE Rancher Longhorn
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