Initramfs rebuild not triggered automatically when KMP is installed
This document (000020379) is provided subject to the disclaimer at the end of this document.
As a result, the initramfs does not include the newly installed drivers.
One of the following options could be used to work around the issue:
After installing a KMP:
1. Rebuild initramfs manually using 'dracut -f'
Two ways to resolve it in the KMP itself:
2. Pass the –b option to %suse_kernel_module_package in the KMP spec file:
%suse_kernel_module_package trace -f %{SOURCE1} -b
This enforces an initrd rebuild.
3. Use xz compression in the KMP, for example: find $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules -name '*.ko' | xargs xz
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- Document ID:000020379
- Creation Date: 03-Sep-2021
- Modified Date:10-Sep-2021
- SUSE Linux Enterprise Server
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