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Error -3027 when installing SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 10

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SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 10


When installing SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop in a dual-boot environment (shrinking a preexisting NTFS file system), the error occurs :
Failure occurred during following action:
Shrinking partition /dev/hda1 to 32.1 GB
System error code was: -3027


The error occurring is specific to the shrinking of the Windowsfile system. This could be due to a number of causes :
  • The existing file system is cluttered, and needs to be defragmented
  • The existing file system already occupies more space than the desired partition allows
Run the defragmentation program two or three times from inside of Windows, and ensure that the occupied space is smaller than the targeted partition size. Then attempt at reinstalling SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop.


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  • Document ID:3481511
  • Creation Date: 22-Aug-2006
  • Modified Date:24-Mar-2021
    • SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop

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