vxfs: msgcnt 637 mesg 014: V-2-14: vx_iget - inode table overflow
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SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10
The error message vxfs: msgcnt 637 mesg 014: V-2-14: vx_iget - inode table overflow can be seen in /var/log/messages and /var/log/warn
Update the Watchguard ServerLock drivers.
Another option is to increase the number of maximum inodes it can use.
Check the current maximum by running:
#/opt/VRTS/bin/vxfsstat -i
Edit the /etc/modprobe.conf and add the line
options vxfs vxfs_ninode=<number>
Increase the number of inodes you currently have and replace <number> with it. A reboot is required to make the new parameters take effect.
Contact Symantec for the support of Veritas file systems.
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- Document ID:7015089
- Creation Date: 21-May-2014
- Modified Date:12-Oct-2022
- SUSE Linux Enterprise Server
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