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How to resolve "1 scrub errors/Possible data damage: 1 pg inconsistent"

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SUSE Enterprise Storage 5.5
SUSE Enterprise Storage 6


"ceph -s" reports:  1 scrub errors, Possible data damage: 1 pg inconsistent

#==[ Command ]======================================#
# /usr/bin/ceph --id=storage --connect-timeout=5 -s
    id:     0260f99a-117e-4c7e-8fbe-86c483bcd7e9
    health: HEALTH_ERR
            1 scrub errors
            Possible data damage: 1 pg inconsistent

    : 3 daes, quorum mon01,mon02,mon03 (age 10w)
    mgr: mon01(active, since 7w), standbys: mon02, mon03
    mds: cephfs:1 {0=mds01=up:active} 2 up:standby
    osd: 285 osds: 285 up (since 43h), 285 in (since 2w)
    rgw: 3 daes active (cephrgw01, cephrgw02, cephrgw03)

    pools:   8 pools, 4328 pgs
    objects: 294.96M objects, 463 TiB
    usage:   694 TiB used, 1.3 PiB / 2.0 PiB avail
    pgs:     4320 active+clean
             7    active+clean+scrubbing+deep
             1    active+clean+scrubbing+deep+inconsistent

    client:   3.8 MiB/s rd, 188 MiB/s wr, 11 op/s rd, 732 op/s wr



Run "ceph health detail" to find the pg ID for the inconsistent pg:

#==[ Command ]======================================#
# /usr/bin/ceph --id=storage --connect-timeout=5 health detail
HEALTH_ERR 1 scrub errors; Possible data damage: 1 pg inconsistent
OSD_SCRUB_ERRORS 1 scrub errors
PG_DAMAGED Possible data damage: 1 pg inconsistent
    pg 5.6f1 is active+clean+scrubbing+deep+inconsistent, acting [7,141,208,199,70,37,182,131,120,259]

To repair the pg run"
ceph pg repair $pgid
ceph pg repair 5.6f1

Additional information can be provided by:
rados list-inconsistent-obj $pgid --format=json-pretty


Possible cause for inconsistent pg, could include failing osd hard drives.  Check /var/log/messages for: medium, i/o error, sector errors, or smartctl Prefailures messages.  Prefailure messages are not a clear indication that the drive is failing, but the other messages will be good indicators.   

Example command to be run on each osd node:
egrep -i 'medium|i\/o error|sector|Prefailure' /var/log/messages

Example command to be run on the admin node:
salt '*' 'egrep -i "medium|i\/o error|sector|Prefailure" /var/log/messages'

The output of these commands will provide the kernel names of devices.  For SES5.5 use "ceph-disk list" to correlate with osds. For SES6 use "ceph-volume lvm list" to correlate with osds. 

If hdd drives are failing, then the osd's will need to be removed from the cluster and replaced with a new device. 


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  • Document ID:000019694
  • Creation Date: 03-Sep-2020
  • Modified Date:03-Sep-2020
    • SUSE Enterprise Storage

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