How to troubleshoot rancher-logging
This document (000020988) is provided subject to the disclaimer at the end of this document.
- User resources review: The first part is to ensure there is no error for the resources you created and that they are active.
1. ClusterOutputs and Outputs review. They should be active with no errors. Please correct the errors if any kubectl get clusteroutput -A NAMESPACE NAME ACTIVE PROBLEMS test-ns test-c-output true kubectl get output -A NAMESPACE NAME ACTIVE PROBLEMS test-ns test-output true 2. Clusterflows and flows review. They should be active with no errors. Please correct the errors if any kubectl get clusterflow -o wide -A NAMESPACE NAME ACTIVE PROBLEMS test-ns test-c-flow true kubectl get flow -o wide -A NAMESPACE NAME ACTIVE PROBLEMS test-ns test-flow true
- FluentD and Fluentbit pods review: The fluentbit is a daemonset and should be running on each node, while you should have at least one FluentD pod running as the fluentbit pods will collect logs from each node and forward them to the FluentD pod to be sent to their final destination
Your output could look different depending on what type Kubernetes cluster you have. However, you should have a fluentbit pod on each node and at least one FluentD pod kubectl get pods -n cattle-logging-system NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE rancher-logging-655578478b-7k46r 1/1 Running 0 89s rancher-logging-k3s-journald-aggregator-957gz 1/1 Running 0 89s rancher-logging-root-fluentbit-lczl5 1/1 Running 0 70s rancher-logging-root-fluentd-0 2/2 Running 0 70s rancher-logging-root-fluentd-configcheck-ac2d4553 0/1 Completed 0 84s
- Logs review: At this step, you review to ensure no errors in the logs for the FluentD or Fluentbit pods. For Fluentbit, you will probably need to review each if you suspect the logs are not being collected from fluentbit.
1. kubectl exec rancher-logging-root-fluentd-0 -n cattle-logging-system -- cat /fluentd/log/out # logging-operator version +up3.17.10 and earlier kubectl logs rancher-logging-root-fluentd-0 -n cattle-logging-system # logging-operator version +up4.4.0 and later This will dump the logs out of the fluentd container 2. kubectl -n cattle-logging-system logs rancher-logging-root-bit-lczl5 You should run it against each fluentbit pod if you suspect that the issue is on fluentbit
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- Document ID:000020988
- Creation Date: 25-Feb-2023
- Modified Date:04-Sep-2024
- SUSE Rancher
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