Technical Resources
There are a variety of resources available from SUSE and from SUSE partners that can help you deliver your products more efficiently and cost effectively. Some resources provide insights or guidance prior to working with the technologies. Some are cookbooks to help you perform tasks or prototype new products. Some help you advance your technology or make it more compelling. Some provide interactive assistance to answer your questions. We recognize that different partners have different needs. The list below highlights a number of resources to get you started with SUSE.
Basic Technical Information and Tooling
Basic technical information on SUSE Linux characteristics like resource requirements, file system recommendations, etc. is listed on SUSE Linux Enterprise Server. This information allows you to plan interactions with the system to greatest benefit for the supported releases.
Basic SUSE user documentation can help you understand what to expect when using SUSE Enterprise Linux or other SUSE products. It can help you see what SUSE customers expect for installation and packaging as they put new products into their SUSE Linux environments.
Upgrading to new SUSE Linux Versions or Service Packs
SUSE Enterprise Release notes that highlight new features and changes from a previous release or version are available for all currently supported SUSE Versions and service packs.
When you look at supporting additional SUSE releases or environments, SUSE provides a compatibility statement that gives you assurance for your application operation across service packs and describes the compatibility with cloud environments. It also discusses the high level compatibility you can expect for updating to a new SUSE version.
Staying up to date
The SUSE community blog has a lot of current information on interesting topics!
Don't forget to keep your customers protected. SUSE keeps a list of security fixes that you will want to be aware of.
If you want an in-depth trial of the next SUSE Linux product release before it is available to your customers, please apply on the beta page during product beta. If you need only a short test period with the final software, SUSE Release Candidates are available to all our partners as a Partner Portal benefit.