Upstream information

CVE-2022-21702 at MITRE


Grafana is an open-source platform for monitoring and observability. In affected versions an attacker could serve HTML content thru the Grafana datasource or plugin proxy and trick a user to visit this HTML page using a specially crafted link and execute a Cross-site Scripting (XSS) attack. The attacker could either compromise an existing datasource for a specific Grafana instance or either set up its own public service and instruct anyone to set it up in their Grafana instance. To be impacted, all of the following must be applicable. For the data source proxy: A Grafana HTTP-based datasource configured with Server as Access Mode and a URL set, the attacker has to be in control of the HTTP server serving the URL of above datasource, and a specially crafted link pointing at the attacker controlled data source must be clicked on by an authenticated user. For the plugin proxy: A Grafana HTTP-based app plugin configured and enabled with a URL set, the attacker has to be in control of the HTTP server serving the URL of above app, and a specially crafted link pointing at the attacker controlled plugin must be clocked on by an authenticated user. For the backend plugin resource: An attacker must be able to navigate an authenticated user to a compromised plugin through a crafted link. Users are advised to update to a patched version. There are no known workarounds for this vulnerability.

SUSE information

Overall state of this security issue: Resolved

This issue is currently rated as having moderate severity.

CVSS v2 Scores
  National Vulnerability Database
Base Score 2.1
Vector AV:N/AC:H/Au:S/C:N/I:P/A:N
Access Vector Network
Access Complexity High
Authentication Single
Confidentiality Impact None
Integrity Impact Partial
Availability Impact None
CVSS v3 Scores
  National Vulnerability Database SUSE
Base Score 5.4 6.8
Attack Vector Network Network
Attack Complexity Low Low
Privileges Required Low Low
User Interaction Required Required
Scope Changed Changed
Confidentiality Impact Low High
Integrity Impact Low None
Availability Impact None None
CVSSv3 Version 3.1 3.1
SUSE Bugzilla entry: 1195726 [RESOLVED / FIXED]

SUSE Security Advisories:

List of released packages

Product(s) Fixed package version(s) References
Container ses/7.1/ceph/grafana:
Container ses/7/ceph/grafana:
  • grafana >= 8.3.5-150200.3.21.1
Container suse/manager/5.0/x86_64/server:5.0.0-beta1.2.122
  • prometheus-postgres_exporter >= 0.10.0-150000.1.3.1
HPE Helion OpenStack 8
  • golang-github-prometheus-node_exporter >= 1.3.0-1.15.3
SUSE Enterprise Storage 6
  • grafana >= 8.5.13-150100.3.12.1
SUSE Liberty Linux 8
  • grafana >= 7.5.15-3.el8
SUSE Liberty Linux 9
  • grafana >= 7.5.15-3.el9
SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Package Hub 15 SP4
  • grafana >= 8.3.10-150200.3.26.1
SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Package Hub 15 SP5
  • grafana >= 8.3.5-150200.3.21.1
SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Package Hub 15 SP5 GA grafana-8.5.22-150200.3.38.1
SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Package Hub 15 SP6
  • grafana >= 8.3.5-150200.3.21.1
SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Package Hub 15 SP6 GA grafana-9.5.8-150200.3.53.2
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP3-BCL
  • golang-github-prometheus-node_exporter >= 1.3.0-1.15.3
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP3-ESPOS
  • golang-github-prometheus-node_exporter >= 1.3.0-1.15.3
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP3-LTSS
  • golang-github-prometheus-node_exporter >= 1.3.0-1.15.3
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP4-ESPOS
  • golang-github-prometheus-node_exporter >= 1.3.0-1.15.3
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP4-LTSS
  • golang-github-prometheus-node_exporter >= 1.3.0-1.15.3
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP5
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 12 SP5
  • golang-github-prometheus-node_exporter >= 1.3.0-1.15.3
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 12 SP3
  • golang-github-prometheus-node_exporter >= 1.3.0-1.15.3
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 12 SP4
  • golang-github-prometheus-node_exporter >= 1.3.0-1.15.3
SUSE Manager Server Module 4.2
  • prometheus-postgres_exporter >= 0.10.0-150000.1.3.1
SUSE Manager Tools 12-BETA
  • golang-github-QubitProducts-exporter_exporter >= 0.4.0-4.6.2
  • golang-github-boynux-squid_exporter >= 1.6-4.9.2
  • golang-github-lusitaniae-apache_exporter >= 1.0.0-4.12.4
  • golang-github-prometheus-alertmanager >= 0.26.0-4.12.4
  • golang-github-prometheus-node_exporter >= 1.5.0-4.15.4
  • golang-github-prometheus-prometheus >= 2.45.0-4.33.3
  • golang-github-prometheus-promu >= 0.14.0-4.12.2
  • grafana >= 9.5.8-4.21.2
  • kiwi-desc-saltboot >= 0.1.1687520761.cefb248-4.15.2
  • mgr-push >= 5.0.1-4.21.4
  • prometheus-blackbox_exporter >= 0.24.0-3.6.3
  • prometheus-postgres_exporter >= 0.10.1-3.6.4
  • python2-hwdata >= 2.3.5-15.12.2
  • python2-mgr-push >= 5.0.1-4.21.4
  • python2-rhnlib >= 5.0.1-24.30.3
  • python2-uyuni-common-libs >= 5.0.1-3.33.3
  • spacecmd >= 5.0.1-41.42.3
  • supportutils-plugin-salt >= 1.2.2-9.9.2
  • supportutils-plugin-susemanager-client >= 5.0.1-9.15.2
  • system-user-grafana >= 1.0.0-3.7.2
  • system-user-prometheus >= 1.0.0-3.7.2
SUSE Manager Tools 12
  • golang-github-QubitProducts-exporter_exporter >= 0.4.0-1.6.1
  • golang-github-prometheus-alertmanager >= 0.23.0-1.12.3
  • golang-github-prometheus-node_exporter >= 1.3.0-1.15.3
  • grafana >= 8.3.5-1.30.3
  • mgr-cfg >= 4.3.6-1.27.4
  • mgr-cfg-actions >= 4.3.6-1.27.4
  • mgr-cfg-client >= 4.3.6-1.27.4
  • mgr-cfg-management >= 4.3.6-1.27.4
  • mgr-custom-info >= 4.3.3-1.18.1
  • mgr-daemon >= 4.3.4-1.32.3
  • mgr-osad >= 4.3.6-1.39.4
  • mgr-push >= 4.3.4-1.21.4
  • mgr-virtualization-host >= 4.3.5-1.29.3
  • prometheus-blackbox_exporter >= 0.19.0-1.8.2
  • prometheus-postgres_exporter >= 0.10.0-1.8.2
  • python2-hwdata >= 2.3.5-12.9.1
  • python2-mgr-cfg >= 4.3.6-1.27.4
  • python2-mgr-cfg-actions >= 4.3.6-1.27.4
  • python2-mgr-cfg-client >= 4.3.6-1.27.4
  • python2-mgr-cfg-management >= 4.3.6-1.27.4
  • python2-mgr-osa-common >= 4.3.6-1.39.4
  • python2-mgr-osad >= 4.3.6-1.39.4
  • python2-mgr-push >= 4.3.4-1.21.4
  • python2-mgr-virtualization-common >= 4.3.5-1.29.3
  • python2-mgr-virtualization-host >= 4.3.5-1.29.3
  • python2-rhnlib >= 4.3.4-21.43.3
  • python2-spacewalk-check >= 4.3.9-52.71.3
  • python2-spacewalk-client-setup >= 4.3.9-52.71.3
  • python2-spacewalk-client-tools >= 4.3.9-52.71.3
  • python2-spacewalk-koan >= 4.3.5-24.33.3
  • python2-spacewalk-oscap >= 4.3.5-19.27.1
  • python2-suseRegisterInfo >= 4.3.3-25.27.3
  • python2-uyuni-common-libs >= 4.3.4-1.21.3
  • spacecmd >= 4.3.11-38.103.3
  • spacewalk-check >= 4.3.9-52.71.3
  • spacewalk-client-setup >= 4.3.9-52.71.3
  • spacewalk-client-tools >= 4.3.9-52.71.3
  • spacewalk-koan >= 4.3.5-24.33.3
  • spacewalk-oscap >= 4.3.5-19.27.1
  • spacewalk-remote-utils >= 4.3.3-24.24.3
  • supportutils-plugin-salt >= 1.2.0-6.16.1
  • supportutils-plugin-susemanager-client >= 4.3.2-6.24.1
  • suseRegisterInfo >= 4.3.3-25.27.3
SUSE Manager Tools 15
  • grafana >= 8.3.5-150000.1.30.1
  • mgr-cfg >= 4.2.8-150000.1.24.1
  • mgr-cfg-actions >= 4.2.8-150000.1.24.1
  • mgr-cfg-client >= 4.2.8-150000.1.24.1
  • mgr-cfg-management >= 4.2.8-150000.1.24.1
  • mgr-osad >= 4.2.8-150000.1.36.1
  • mgr-push >= 4.2.5-150000.1.18.2
  • mgr-virtualization-host >= 4.2.4-150000.1.26.1
  • prometheus-postgres_exporter >= 0.10.0-150000.1.3.1
  • python3-mgr-cfg >= 4.2.8-150000.1.24.1
  • python3-mgr-cfg-actions >= 4.2.8-150000.1.24.1
  • python3-mgr-cfg-client >= 4.2.8-150000.1.24.1
  • python3-mgr-cfg-management >= 4.2.8-150000.1.24.1
  • python3-mgr-osa-common >= 4.2.8-150000.1.36.1
  • python3-mgr-osad >= 4.2.8-150000.1.36.1
  • python3-mgr-push >= 4.2.5-150000.1.18.2
  • python3-mgr-virtualization-common >= 4.2.4-150000.1.26.1
  • python3-mgr-virtualization-host >= 4.2.4-150000.1.26.1
  • python3-rhnlib >= 4.2.6-150000.3.34.1
  • python3-spacewalk-check >= 4.2.18-150000.3.59.1
  • python3-spacewalk-client-setup >= 4.2.18-150000.3.59.1
  • python3-spacewalk-client-tools >= 4.2.18-150000.3.59.1
  • python3-spacewalk-koan >= 4.2.6-150000.3.27.1
  • python3-spacewalk-oscap >= 4.2.4-150000.3.18.1
  • python3-suseRegisterInfo >= 4.2.6-150000.3.21.1
  • spacecmd >= 4.2.16-150000.3.77.1
  • spacewalk-check >= 4.2.18-150000.3.59.1
  • spacewalk-client-setup >= 4.2.18-150000.3.59.1
  • spacewalk-client-tools >= 4.2.18-150000.3.59.1
  • spacewalk-koan >= 4.2.6-150000.3.27.1
  • spacewalk-oscap >= 4.2.4-150000.3.18.1
  • suseRegisterInfo >= 4.2.6-150000.3.21.1
SUSE OpenStack Cloud 8
  • golang-github-prometheus-node_exporter >= 1.3.0-1.15.3
SUSE OpenStack Cloud 9
  • golang-github-prometheus-node_exporter >= 1.3.0-1.15.3
SUSE OpenStack Cloud Crowbar 8
  • golang-github-prometheus-node_exporter >= 1.3.0-1.15.3
SUSE OpenStack Cloud Crowbar 9
  • golang-github-prometheus-node_exporter >= 1.3.0-1.15.3
openSUSE Leap 15.3
  • grafana >= 8.3.10-150200.3.26.1
  • prometheus-postgres_exporter >= 0.10.0-150000.1.3.1
  • python3-rhnlib >= 4.2.6-150000.3.34.1
  • spacecmd >= 4.2.16-150000.3.77.1
openSUSE Leap 15.4
  • grafana >= 8.3.10-150200.3.26.1
openSUSE Tumbleweed
  • grafana >= 8.3.5-1.1

Status of this issue by product and package

Please note that this evaluation state might be work in progress, incomplete or outdated. Also information for service packs in the LTSS phase is only included for issues meeting the LTSS criteria. If in doubt, feel free to contact us for clarification. The updates are grouped by state of their lifecycle. SUSE product lifecycles are documented on the lifecycle page.

Product(s) Source package State
Products under general support and receiving all security fixes.
SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Package Hub 15 SP5 grafana Released
SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Package Hub 15 SP6 grafana Released
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP5 golang-github-prometheus-node_exporter Released
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 12 SP5 golang-github-prometheus-node_exporter Released
SUSE Manager Client Tools Beta for SLE 12 grafana Released
SUSE Manager Client Tools Beta for SLE 15 grafana Released
SUSE Manager Client Tools for SLE 12 grafana Released
SUSE Manager Client Tools for SLE 15 grafana Released
SUSE Manager Tools 12 golang-github-QubitProducts-exporter_exporter Released
SUSE Manager Tools 12 golang-github-prometheus-alertmanager Released
SUSE Manager Tools 12 golang-github-prometheus-node_exporter Released
SUSE Manager Tools 12 grafana Released
SUSE Manager Tools 12 mgr-cfg Released
SUSE Manager Tools 12 mgr-custom-info Released
SUSE Manager Tools 12 mgr-daemon Released
SUSE Manager Tools 12 mgr-osad Released
SUSE Manager Tools 12 mgr-push Released
SUSE Manager Tools 12 mgr-virtualization Released
SUSE Manager Tools 12 prometheus-blackbox_exporter Released
SUSE Manager Tools 12 prometheus-postgres_exporter Released
SUSE Manager Tools 12 python-hwdata Released
SUSE Manager Tools 12 rhnlib Released
SUSE Manager Tools 12 spacecmd Released
SUSE Manager Tools 12 spacewalk-client-tools Released
SUSE Manager Tools 12 spacewalk-koan Released
SUSE Manager Tools 12 spacewalk-oscap Released
SUSE Manager Tools 12 spacewalk-remote-utils Released
SUSE Manager Tools 12 supportutils-plugin-salt Released
SUSE Manager Tools 12 supportutils-plugin-susemanager-client Released
SUSE Manager Tools 12 suseRegisterInfo Released
SUSE Manager Tools 12 uyuni-common-libs Released
SUSE Manager Tools 12-BETA golang-github-QubitProducts-exporter_exporter Released
SUSE Manager Tools 12-BETA golang-github-boynux-squid_exporter Released
SUSE Manager Tools 12-BETA golang-github-lusitaniae-apache_exporter Released
SUSE Manager Tools 12-BETA golang-github-prometheus-alertmanager Released
SUSE Manager Tools 12-BETA golang-github-prometheus-node_exporter Released
SUSE Manager Tools 12-BETA golang-github-prometheus-prometheus Released
SUSE Manager Tools 12-BETA golang-github-prometheus-promu Released
SUSE Manager Tools 12-BETA grafana Released
SUSE Manager Tools 12-BETA kiwi-desc-saltboot Released
SUSE Manager Tools 12-BETA mgr-push Released
SUSE Manager Tools 12-BETA prometheus-blackbox_exporter Released
SUSE Manager Tools 12-BETA prometheus-postgres_exporter Released
SUSE Manager Tools 12-BETA python-hwdata Released
SUSE Manager Tools 12-BETA rhnlib Released
SUSE Manager Tools 12-BETA spacecmd Released
SUSE Manager Tools 12-BETA supportutils-plugin-salt Released
SUSE Manager Tools 12-BETA supportutils-plugin-susemanager-client Released
SUSE Manager Tools 12-BETA system-user-grafana Released
SUSE Manager Tools 12-BETA system-user-prometheus Released
SUSE Manager Tools 12-BETA uyuni-common-libs Released
SUSE Manager Tools 15 grafana Released
SUSE Manager Tools 15 mgr-cfg Released
SUSE Manager Tools 15 mgr-osad Released
SUSE Manager Tools 15 mgr-push Released
SUSE Manager Tools 15 mgr-virtualization Released
SUSE Manager Tools 15 prometheus-postgres_exporter Released
SUSE Manager Tools 15 rhnlib Released
SUSE Manager Tools 15 spacecmd Released
SUSE Manager Tools 15 spacewalk-client-tools Released
SUSE Manager Tools 15 spacewalk-koan Released
SUSE Manager Tools 15 spacewalk-oscap Released
SUSE Manager Tools 15 suseRegisterInfo Released
SUSE Manager Tools 15 SP1 grafana Released
SUSE Manager Tools 15-BETA grafana Affected
openSUSE Leap 15.5 grafana Affected
openSUSE Leap 15.6 grafana Affected
Products past their end of life and not receiving proactive updates anymore.
HPE Helion OpenStack 8 golang-github-prometheus-node_exporter Released
HPE Helion OpenStack 8 grafana Unsupported
SUSE Enterprise Storage 6 grafana Released
SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Package Hub 15 SP4 grafana Released
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP3-BCL golang-github-prometheus-node_exporter Released
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP3-ESPOS golang-github-prometheus-node_exporter Released
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP3-LTSS golang-github-prometheus-node_exporter Released
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP4-ESPOS golang-github-prometheus-node_exporter Released
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP4-LTSS golang-github-prometheus-node_exporter Released
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 12 SP3 golang-github-prometheus-node_exporter Released
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 12 SP4 golang-github-prometheus-node_exporter Released
SUSE Manager Server Module 4.2 prometheus-postgres_exporter Released
SUSE OpenStack Cloud 8 golang-github-prometheus-node_exporter Released
SUSE OpenStack Cloud 8 grafana Unsupported
SUSE OpenStack Cloud 9 golang-github-prometheus-node_exporter Released
SUSE OpenStack Cloud 9 grafana Unsupported
SUSE OpenStack Cloud Crowbar 8 golang-github-prometheus-node_exporter Released
SUSE OpenStack Cloud Crowbar 8 grafana Unsupported
SUSE OpenStack Cloud Crowbar 9 golang-github-prometheus-node_exporter Released
SUSE OpenStack Cloud Crowbar 9 grafana Unsupported
openSUSE Leap 15.3 grafana Released
openSUSE Leap 15.4 grafana Released
Container Status

SUSE Timeline for this CVE

CVE page created: Wed Feb 9 05:00:27 2022
CVE page last modified: Thu Jul 4 15:50:53 2024