SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop Screen going blank at odd times
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SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 10
1. Open a terminal window and type su to login as root
2. type hwinfo --gfxcard
In the output that appears look for the following lines towards the bottom:
Driver Info #0:
XFree86 v4 Server Module: nvidia
Driver Info #1:
XFree86 v4 Server Module: nvidia
If those lines contain anything other than nvidia the resolution explained in this TID does not apply to your situation.
The problem can be resolved in 1 of 2 ways. The first is to switch back to the open source driver for the nvidia cards (i.e. the "nv" driver). This can be accomplished by doing the following:
1. Open a terminal window and type
init 3
(NOTE: this will shutdown the graphical desktop so be sure to save and exit any applications before executing init 3).
2. login as root when prompted
3. type the following to switch to the open source driver
sax2 -r -m 0=nv
(NOTE: the 0 following the -m is a numeric zero and not an uppercase O. Also, this command assumes you have only 1 graphic adapter installed).
4. Run through the sax configuration verifying that the card, monitor, and specified resolution are correct. Then exit and perform a "test" when the option appears.
5. When returned to the command line type
init 5
The system will return to the graphical desktop and the screen blanking should not continue. While this option provides relief it also removes the XGL functionality, so it may not be the preferred option.
The second option is to disable DPMS. The steps to do that are as follows:
1. Edit the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file
2. Scroll down until you locate the "monitor" section which should look something like this:
Section "Monitor"
Option "CalcAlgorithm""XServerPool"
DisplaySize 380 300
HorizSync 30-81
Identifier "Monitor[0]"
ModelName "1908FP"
Option "DPMS"
VendorName "DELL"
VertRefresh 56-76
UseModes "Modes[0]"
3. Edit the line containing Option "DPMS" so that it reads the following:
Option "DPMS""off"
4. Save and exit.
5. Open a terminal window and type su to login as root
6. Type
xset -dpms
7. Close the terminal window and reboot the machine.
Both of the options applied together will disable the DPMS functionality and should resolve the screen blanking issue.
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- Document ID:7001035
- Creation Date: 25-Jul-2008
- Modified Date:16-Mar-2021
- SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop
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