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Xen host having issues rebooting windows 2008 guest

This document (7008837) is provided subject to the disclaimer at the end of this document.


SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 Service Pack 1
XEN Host
Microsoft Windows 2008 Server Guest


Cannot reboot win2008 server running as guest.
Reboot hangs.
ERROR: Out of populate-on-demand memory!


XEN updates released on 2011-01-12 resolve this issue.

Also, verify the "on_reboot" configuration setting for the VM (Guest).  It must be set to "restart" and not "destroy".

Additional Information

Virtual Machine (VM) configuration files can be stored in two separate locations.  These config files are not linked; modifying one does not update the other.  Virtual Machine Manager (also referred to as a "managed" vm) stores its configuration file in the Xend database.

To modify a virtual machine’s configuration settings that is administrated with Virtual Machine Manager first shut it down and then:

1. At Domain0 (the Host), as root, enter
      xm list -l vm_name > filename
where vm_name is the name of the virtual machine you want to modify and filename is whatever you want to  name the text file.

2. Use a text editor to make and save any desired changes.
3.  Delete the existing configuration from Xend with the command  xm del vm_name
4.  Enter xm new -F filename to import the virtual machine’s new settings into Xend.
5.  Enter xm start vm_name to start the virtual machine with its new settings.

To modify the settings for an "unmanaged" vm (started via "xm create" or some other package like HAE clustering) modify the configuration file for the VM found in the /etc/xen/vm directory.


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  • Document ID:7008837
  • Creation Date: 16-Jun-2011
  • Modified Date:03-Mar-2020
    • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server
    • SUSE Linux Enterprise Real Time Extension

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