Supportconfig hangs on SLE 11 SP3 after updating kernel
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SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 11 SP3
The execution of supportconfig will hang during the gathering of information from /proc and get stuck at the
output line.
It enters an infinite loop while trying to read /proc/timer_list.
This causes the temporary file /var/log/nts_<server-timpestamp>/proc.txt to grow until supportconfig is terminated by the user.
If the tool is not monitored and terminated, the filesystem hosting /var/log/ will run out of space.
A correction for the SLE kernel has been produced and will most likely be submitted for inclusion in an upcoming maintenance update for the linux kernel.
Although the root cause is not in the supportutils package, a new version (1.20-0.75.1) that works around the problem has been released.
As a workaround run supportconfig -o PROC to skip the proc.txt file.
To keep the workaround persistent, it is possible to create a /etc/supportconfig.conf file with the command
# supportconfig -Cand then edit /etc/supportconfig.conf and set the option
Both will disable the module that reads /proc/.
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- Document ID:7012980
- Creation Date: 02-Aug-2013
- Modified Date:14-Oct-2022
- SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop
- SUSE Linux Enterprise Server
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