Security Vulnerability: Amnesia:33
This document (000019813) is provided subject to the disclaimer at the end of this document.
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server
The Linux Kernel TCP/IP stack is not affected by these attacks.
The SUSE "open-iscsi" package uses a version of "uIP" embedded IP stack when offloading to "qedi", "bnx2" and "bnx2x" network adapters, this part is affected by a subset of the attacks.
The solution is to install updates for open-iscsi once they become available.
A potential workaround would be to remove the "iscsiuio" sub-package of open-iscsi, or disable its systemd services. This will likely however break offload functionality to "qedi" or "bnx2" and "bnx2x" cards.
SUSE is working on fixes for open-iscsi.
CVE's for the sub set of attack related to open-iscsi
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- Document ID:000019813
- Creation Date: 15-Dec-2020
- Modified Date:15-Dec-2020
- SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop
- SUSE Linux Enterprise Server
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