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sap_suse_cluster_connector stuck as HAActive: FALSE

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SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications
SUSE Linux Enterprise High Availability Extension


The system is configured to host the ASCS/ERS instances of SAP Netweaver or SAP S/4HANA application platform.
However sapcontrol reports HAActive: FALSE like below: 
aznw01:ha1adm 52> sapcontrol -nr 00 -function HAGetFailoverConfig

22.03.2021 18:06:18


Above problem could happen due to several reasons. E.g. 
  1. The <SID>adm user in not part of haclient group.
  2. The cluster use ACL to control access and haclient doesn't have the needed rights.
  3. The ASCS/ERS resource contains wrong parameters. 
  4. The ownership of the <SID>adm user /home/<SID>adm/.config directory is not set correctly to <SID>adm:sapsys.
  5. On SLE15 SP5 the packages crmsh and crmsh-scripts are not on the latest patch level and should
        have at least version crmsh-4.4.0+20221028.3e41444-150400.3.9.1
  6. /var/lib/heartbeat/cores/hacluster directory needs group read/execute permission (chmod 750 /var/lib/heartbeat/cores/hacluster)

Kindly make sure to review our SAP Best Practice guide. And check RA manuals by: crm ra info SAPInstance


For example the below is the right configuration according to our Best Practice guide. The InstanceName should match the profile name. However, in case InstanceName have wrong value above error will occur.
aznw01:~ # crm conf sh rsc_sap_HA1_ASCS00
primitive rsc_sap_HA1_ASCS00 SAPInstance \
	operations $id=rsc_sap_HA1_ASCS00-operations \
	op monitor interval=11 timeout=60 on-fail=restart \
	params InstanceName=HA1_ASCS00_sapha1as START_PROFILE="/sapmnt/HA1/profile/HA1_ASCS00_sapha1as" AUTOMATIC_RECOVER=false \
	meta resource-stickiness=5000 failure-timeout=60 migration-threshold=1 priority=10

Additional Information

To troubleshoot integration issue: 
sudo cpan install "Devel::Trace"
sudo su - <SID>adm 
perl -d:Trace /usr/bin/sap_suse_cluster_connector lsr --out $(mktemp) --sid <SID> --ino <INS_NUM> &> perl_sap_trace.log; echo $?>>perl_sap_trace.log

Also, there is another Knowledgebase article discussing more causes : Expected output results for HAGetFailoverConfig

The manual page sap_suse_cluster_connector (8) is another, general source of information. 


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  • Document ID:000019924
  • Creation Date: 22-Mar-2021
  • Modified Date:05-Apr-2023
    • SUSE Linux Enterprise High Availability Extension
    • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications

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