Prometheus Exporter not able to scrape filesystem metrics from nodes when SELinux is enabled.
This document (000020747) is provided subject to the disclaimer at the end of this document.
Using Prometheus Graphs, when users are trying to query filesystem metrics of nodes, it would not display any metrics due to SELinux being enabled. SELinux policies at OS level rejects these queries due to insufficient privileges.
PromQL Query:
Error on the Prometheus exporter pod:
level=error ts=2022-07-21T16:13:08.502Z caller=collector.go:169 msg="collector failed" name=filesystem duration_seconds=0.000837846 err="open /host/proc/1/mounts: permission denied"
1.) Disable SELinux, and the Prometheus node exporter should be able to start querying the node-level metrics. This approach is NOT recommended and also may not be approved by the Linux admin as it would weaken the security of the nodes.
2.) If SELinux cannot be disabled, you can modify the helm chart and update the Prometheus-node-exporter section with the below seLinuxOption called spc_t (reference below). However, this would give the container super-privileged access which is NOT recommended.
securityContext: seLinuxOptions: type: spc_t
3.) If super-privileged access cannot be provided to the container, ask the SELinux team to create necessary policies for processes to access the files that node-exporter pods are looking for which is the recommended approach.
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- Document ID:000020747
- Creation Date: 02-Sep-2022
- Modified Date:29-Jul-2024
- SUSE Rancher
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