Azure BYOS instance cannot be registered via SUSEConnect
This document (000020872) is provided subject to the disclaimer at the end of this document.
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP3
Microsoft Azure
After changing from PAYG instance to BYOS or installing new one licenseType: SLES_BYOS
is set.
Registration to SCC completes successfully, but after up to 1 minute the registration and repositories got removed.
Following info messages within /var/log/cloudregister
2022-11-24 10:02:01,000 INFO:Calling ['registercloudguest', '--clean'] 2022-11-24 10:02:01,000 INFO:Calling ['systemctl', 'disable', 'guestregister'] 2022-11-24 10:03:01,000 INFO:Calling ['registercloudguest', '--clean'] 2022-11-24 10:03:01,000 INFO:Calling ['systemctl', 'disable', 'guestregister'] 2022-11-24 10:04:01,000 INFO:Calling ['registercloudguest', '--clean'] 2022-11-24 10:04:01,000 INFO:Calling ['systemctl', 'disable', 'guestregister'] ...
Stop regionsrv-enabler-azure.timer, then update to the latest cloud-regionsrv-client* packages available:
systemctl stop regionsrv-enabler-azure.timer SUSEConnect -r <regcode> SUSEConnect -p sle-module-public-cloud/15.3/x86_64 zypper update cloud-regionsrv-client cloud-regionsrv-client-addon-azure cloud-regionsrv-client-plugin-azure systemctl start regionsrv-enabler-azure.timer
Note: Minimum required version of cloud-regionsrv-client-addon-azure is 1.0.4-150000.6.70.1
Other known workarounds are:
- Stop and disable the timer regionsrv-enabler-azure.timer
- Remove all cloud-regionsrv-client* addon-azure* packages
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- Document ID:000020872
- Creation Date: 23-Nov-2022
- Modified Date:25-Nov-2022
- SUSE Linux Enterprise Server
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