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Recover admin access from Password expiration

This document (000021089) is provided subject to the disclaimer at the end of this document.


NeuVector v5.0.0+


Implementing Password Profile can further secure the NeuVector deployment.  One of the options is to "Deny Access after Password Expired".  This feature will alert the user 10 days before the password is set to expire.  Life can be unpredictable.  Sometimes even the admin can forget to change the password and get locked out.

The below method can be used to restore access to the admin account.


1. Execute into one of the controller pods

kubectl exec -it <controller_pod> -n neuvector -- sh

2. Check if admin entry exists and save the output JSON somewhere for safekeeping. (If the entry does not exist, please stop and consult with NeuVector Support.)
consul kv get object/config/user/admin

3. Take the output from the above consul kv get command and save it in a txt file.


4. Extend the password expiration date by replacing the "pwd_reset_time" with today`s date.  


5. Execute the command below to update the expiration date by using the updated json.
​​​​consul kv put object/config/user/admin '<UPDATED JSON>'



​​​​consul kv put object/config/user/admin '{"fullname":"admin","username":"admin","password_hash":"c7ad44cbad762a5da0a452f9e854fdc1e0e7a52a38015f23f3eab1d80b931dd472634dfac71cd34ebc35d16ab7fb8a90c81f975113d6c7538dc69dd8de9077ec","pwd_reset_time":"2023-09-21T18:09:50.913312608Z","pwd_hash_history":null,"domain":"","server":"","email":"","role":"fedAdmin","role_oride":false,"timeout":3600,"locale":"en","role_domains":{},"last_login_at":"2023-06-02T23:42:33.089351572Z","login_count":63,"failed_login_count":0,"block_login_since":"0001-01-01T00:00:00Z"}'

6. The below message gets returned upon successful update.
Success! Data written to: object/config/user/admin

7. Login as admin and change the password before expiration


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  • Document ID:000021089
  • Creation Date: 03-Jun-2023
  • Modified Date:21-Sep-2023
    • SUSE NeuVector

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