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Checking Basic Service Conditions

This document (7001417) is provided subject to the disclaimer at the end of this document.


When a system daemon or service is not working properly, we sometimes forget to check the obvious. Before you begin detailed troubleshooting, check to see if the service RPM package is installed, it has passed an rpm validation, the service is configured to start at boot time, and the service is currently running.


RPM Package Not Installed

Use YaST2 or the rpm command to install the necessary package.

RPM Verification Finds Differences

If there are differences and the difference is a configuration file, then confirm your configuration is correct.

If there are differences in binary files like executables and libraries, consider reinstalling the RPM package.

Service Turned off at Boot

Turn the service on with chkconfig. For example, if ntp is off run:
  chkconfig ntp on

Service is not Running

Restart the service using the service run script. For example, if ntp is not running:

/etc/init.d/ntp start

Observe and errors on the screen or in a log file if the service fails to start.




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  • Document ID:7001417
  • Creation Date: 23-Sep-2008
  • Modified Date:03-Mar-2020
    • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server

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