Standalone scanner - Jenkins example
This document (000020930) is provided subject to the disclaimer at the end of this document.
It is often necessary to scan the development build image and ensure it is free of critical vulnerabilities before pushing it to a registry for further testing. This article will demonstrate the use of the standalone NeuVector scanner without the need for a full NeuVector deployment.
The scanner container will perform the scan and write the output to /var/neuvector/scan_result.json. The downstream stage can process the scan_result.json and take appropriate action.
Jenkins Pipeline:
- Docker
A pipeline stage to instantiate the scanner to scan the build image. Extending this example should include a stage to parse the scan_result.json and take appropriate action.
pipeline { environment { image = "alpine" tag = "3.9" tag_scan = "$BUILD_TAG" } agent any stages { stage('Build Local Image') { steps { sh "echo 'FROM $image:$tag' > Dockerfile && docker build -t $image:$tag_scan . " } } stage('Check Local Image') { steps { sh "docker images" } } stage('Test NV Scan Images') { steps { //nv jenkins plugin conf sh "docker run -i --privileged --name neuvector.scanner -e SCANNER_REPOSITORY=$image -e SCANNER_TAG=$tag_scan -e SCANNER_ON_DEMAND=true -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v /var/neuvector:/var/neuvector neuvector/scanner" sh "docker cp neuvector.scanner:/var/neuvector/scan_result.json ." sh "docker rm neuvector.scanner" } } stage('Security Report') { steps { archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'scan_result.json' cleanWs() } } } }
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- Document ID:000020930
- Creation Date: 17-Jan-2023
- Modified Date:18-Jan-2023
- SUSE NeuVector
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