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IPv6 enablement transition

This document (000021251) is provided subject to the disclaimer at the end of this document.


SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12


We are in the process of enabling IPv6 in AWS EC2 for the SUSE update infrastructure. During this period servers will gradually be assigned IPv6 addresses. All of the so called region servers already have IPv6 addresses and will respond to requests over IPv6. However, the returned IP addresses for the update servers are still, and will remain IPv4 only until all update servers have been assigned IPv6 addresses and testing has been completed.

If you are using a proxy that handles IPv6 requests even if your instances are running on an IPv4 only network you will need to set the IPv6 addresses of the region servers up as addresses that do not pass trough the proxy in order to avoid registration problems.

The Ipv6 addresses of all servers in the update infrastructure will be listed in pint ( once we are in a position, after November 30th, to fully support an IPv6 only stack.

Once we support IPv6 fully in dual or IPv6 only configurations there will be a blog and this TID will be removed.


Whitelist the following region server IPv6 addresses:



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  • Document ID:000021251
  • Creation Date: 26-Oct-2023
  • Modified Date:27-Oct-2023
    • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server
    • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications

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