During the upgrade to SUSE Enterprise Storage 5 salt stage 3 returns an error for the master_role
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SUSE Enterprise Storage 4
SUSE Enterprise Storage 5
:~ # salt-run state.orch ceph.stage.3
firewall : disabled
apparmor : disabled
fsid : valid
public_network : valid
cluster_network : valid
cluster_interface : valid
monitors : valid
mgrs : valid
storage : valid
ganesha : valid
time_server : valid
master_role : ['The master_minion does not match any minion assigned the master role']
[ERROR ] No highstate or sls specified, no execution made
ID: validate failed
Function: salt.state
Name: just.exit
Result: False
Comment: No highstate or sls specified, no execution made
Started: 11:42:02.125777
Duration: 0.681 ms
Summary for master-node01.lab.domain_master
Succeeded: 0
Failed: 1
Total states run: 1
Total run time: 0.681 ms
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- Document ID:7022271
- Creation Date: 03-Nov-2017
- Modified Date:03-Mar-2020
- SUSE Enterprise Storage
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