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kerberos authentication error after upgrading to SLES12SP2

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SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 Service Pack 2 (SLES 12 SP2)
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications


SAP GUI fails to login / authenticate users using SSO (Single Sign on) after upgrading systems from SLES11sp4 to SLES12sp2.  Seeing a GSSAPI error.
***************** SAP work process logs*****************
N  *** ERROR => SncPEstablishContext()==SNCERR_GSSAPI  [/bas/742_REL/sr 3616]
N        GSS-API(maj): Unspecified GSS failure.  Minor code may provide more information
N        GSS-API(min): Program called an obsolete, deleted function
N      Unable to establish the security context
N  <<- SncProcessInput()==SNCERR_GSSAPI
M  *** ERROR => ThSncIn: SncProcessInput (SNCERR_GSSAPI) for T7_U10324_M0 failed (len=2198) [thxxsnc.c    1156]
M  {root-id=005056AE24271ED7A2B433801C49FA46}_{conn-id=00000000000000000000000000000000}_0


The krb5 library has been officially released in maintenance updates.
Fix included in krb5-1.12.5-40.23.2 or above.

An environment variable needs to be set along with using updated code.

To set this environment variable for your SAP environment, you need to determine which shell your sap processes are using.
You can see which shell they are using in the /etc/passwd file.

If using bash shell environment, you can set this globally by adding the following to /etc/bash.bashrc.local

If using csh, you can add the following to the /etc/csh.cshrc.local


krb5 library was updated in SLES12 and has some additional checks inside it which are not being passed in or presented while trying to authenticate

Additional Information

krb5 code now looks for environment variable "GSSAPI_ASSUME_MECH_MATCH=1" and the offending condition that caused SSO failure would be disabled.
Problem seen with following versions:
  krb5 1.12.5-40.13.1
  krb5 1.12.5-40.16.1


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  • Document ID:7022689
  • Creation Date: 26-Feb-2018
  • Modified Date:03-Mar-2020
    • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server
    • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications

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