How to prevent pacemaker from auto-starting on boot or after a fence
This document (000020524) is provided subject to the disclaimer at the end of this document.
SLES for SAP 12
SLES for SAP 15
A) Disable systemd pacemaker.service. When the node boots, or is fenced it will not automatically start cluster services and rejoin the cluster.
On each node run `systemctl disable pacemaker.service`Pros:
- No risk of a split brain in two node cluster where the nodes are able to fence one another in a loop
- Gives more control to the admins to perform operations before rejoining a node to the cluster
- Applies every time the node is rebooted, not just when fenced
- Requires human intervention to manually start cluster services after an fencing event or regular system boot.
- Potentially lowers the availability of services if a failure happens on the live node before the other is manually started
B) (IF USING SBD) Configure SBD "SBD_STARTMODE=clean". Only when a node has been fenced pacemaker.service will fail to start until the "reset" in the node's SBD slot has been cleared.
On each node modify /etc/sysconfig/sbd, set "SBD_STARTMODE=clean"Pros:
- No risk of split brain in a two node cluster using SBD where the nodes are able to fence one another in a loop
- Gives more control to the admins to perform operations before rejoining a node to the cluster
- Only applies when a node has been fenced. If it was cleanly shutdown for a reboot, pacemaker.service will be able to start at boot without the need to clear the SBD slots(s)
- Requires human intervention to manually clear the nodes slot on each SBD device used
- Potentially lowers the availability of services if a failure happens on the live node before the other is manually cleared and started
- Causes pacemaker.service to fail because it's dependency on sbd.service failed which can be confusing
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- Document ID:000020524
- Creation Date: 10-Dec-2021
- Modified Date:13-Dec-2021
- SUSE Linux Enterprise High Availability Extension
- SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications
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