Upstream information
CVE-2025-1217 at MITRE
** RESERVED ** This candidate has been reserved by an organization or individual that will use it when announcing a new security problem. When the candidate has been publicized, the details for this candidate will be provided.
Overall state of this security issue: New
This issue is currently rated as having not set severity.
No SUSE Bugzilla entries cross referenced.
No SUSE Security Announcements cross referenced.
List of released packages
Product(s) | Fixed package version(s) | References |
openSUSE Tumbleweed | php8 >= 8.3.19-1.1
php8-bcmath >= 8.3.19-1.1
php8-bz2 >= 8.3.19-1.1
php8-calendar >= 8.3.19-1.1
php8-cli >= 8.3.19-1.1
php8-ctype >= 8.3.19-1.1
php8-curl >= 8.3.19-1.1
php8-dba >= 8.3.19-1.1
php8-devel >= 8.3.19-1.1
php8-dom >= 8.3.19-1.1
php8-enchant >= 8.3.19-1.1
php8-exif >= 8.3.19-1.1
php8-ffi >= 8.3.19-1.1
php8-fileinfo >= 8.3.19-1.1
php8-ftp >= 8.3.19-1.1
php8-gd >= 8.3.19-1.1
php8-gettext >= 8.3.19-1.1
php8-gmp >= 8.3.19-1.1
php8-iconv >= 8.3.19-1.1
php8-intl >= 8.3.19-1.1
php8-ldap >= 8.3.19-1.1
php8-mbstring >= 8.3.19-1.1
php8-mysql >= 8.3.19-1.1
php8-odbc >= 8.3.19-1.1
php8-opcache >= 8.3.19-1.1
php8-openssl >= 8.3.19-1.1
php8-pcntl >= 8.3.19-1.1
php8-pdo >= 8.3.19-1.1
php8-pgsql >= 8.3.19-1.1
php8-phar >= 8.3.19-1.1
php8-posix >= 8.3.19-1.1
php8-readline >= 8.3.19-1.1
php8-shmop >= 8.3.19-1.1
php8-snmp >= 8.3.19-1.1
php8-soap >= 8.3.19-1.1
php8-sockets >= 8.3.19-1.1
php8-sodium >= 8.3.19-1.1
php8-sqlite >= 8.3.19-1.1
php8-sysvmsg >= 8.3.19-1.1
php8-sysvsem >= 8.3.19-1.1
php8-sysvshm >= 8.3.19-1.1
php8-tidy >= 8.3.19-1.1
php8-tokenizer >= 8.3.19-1.1
php8-xmlreader >= 8.3.19-1.1
php8-xmlwriter >= 8.3.19-1.1
php8-xsl >= 8.3.19-1.1
php8-zip >= 8.3.19-1.1
php8-zlib >= 8.3.19-1.1
| Patchnames: openSUSE-Tumbleweed-2025-14895 |
SUSE Timeline for this CVE
CVE page created: Fri Mar 14 20:01:21 2025
CVE page last modified: Sun Mar 16 01:02:58 2025