Using a self extracting archive in AutoYaST
This document (3041207) is provided subject to the disclaimer at the end of this document.
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 SP1
As a first step create a directory and store all the files you need to copy or install to the system inside this directory
mkdir myarchiv
cp pure-ftp.conf myarchiv/
cp other.conf myarchiv/
cp different.conf myarchiv/
Now cd into this directory and create a script that handles the complete installation of the files. Make sure to name this script because later on we rely on this name.
cd myarchiv/
echo "Installing please wait ...."
cp pure-ftp.conf /etc/
cp other.conf /var/lib/somewhere/
cp different.conf /usr/share/doc/different/
echo "done"
exit 0
Make this script executable
chmod +x
Test your script and make sure it works before going further. Next step is to create a TAR archive from the complete directory. In this example bz2 compression is used for a smaller size.
tar cfvj /tmp/myarch.tar.bz2 *
Now comes a important step. You can't include the archive as it is into the XML, because any binary data in a XML file must be base64 encoded. To encode the archive to base64 use the following command
openssl enc -base64 -e -in myarch.tar.bz2 -out myb64arch.tar.bz2
To automatically extract the just created archive a little script is needed that does this job. Create a file called with the following content.
echo ""
echo "Autoyast postinstaller v0.1 - starting installation... please wait"
echo ""
# create a temp directory to extract to.
export WRKDIR=`mktemp -d /tmp/selfextract.XXXXXX`
SKIP=`awk '/^__ARCHIVE_FOLLOWS__/ { print NR + 1; exit 0; }' $0`
# Take the TGZ portion of this file and pipe it to tar.
tail +$SKIP $0 | openssl enc -base64 -d | tar xj -C $WRKDIR
# execute the installation script
# delete the temp files
cd $PREV
rm -rf $WRKDIR
exit 0
Make sure that the line containing __ARCHIVE_FOLLOWS__ is the last line in the script, not even a empty newline should follow. Otherwise the self extract won't work.
Technical Information: The line
SKIP=`awk '/^__ARCHIVE_FOLLOWS__/ { print NR + 1; exit 0; }' $0`
calculates how many lines are in this script until the __ARCHIVE_FOLLOWS__ line. With this information we know at which line number our archive will start.
The line
tail +$SKIP $0 | openssl enc -base64 -d | tar xj -C $WRKDIR
makes a tail on itself ($0) but skips all lines prior to __ARCHIVE_FOLLOWS__ . The openssl command does the decoding from base64 to binary and finally the tar will extract the archive
Finally bring this script header together with the archive
cat myb64arch.tar.bz2>
The just created script can be included in AutoYaST as a chroot-post-install script.
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- Document ID:3041207
- Creation Date: 14-Sep-2007
- Modified Date:22-Feb-2021
- SUSE Linux Enterprise Server
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