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cephfs, When deleting files get: rm: cannot remove 'file-name': No space left on device

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SUSE Enterprise Storage 6


Users mounting cephfs file system report "No space left on device" error when trying to remove/delete files.

ses-master:~ # ceph health detail
HEALTH_WARN 1 MDSs report oversized cache
MDS_CACHE_OVERSIZED 1 MDSs report oversized cache MDS cache is too large (79GB/31GB); 31162038 inodes in use by clients, 996594 stray files

/cases/00327226/scc_SR00327226_ses-master_220113_1249_ea9ccd74-0155-4587-b2a6-bd6a1717dc1f/ceph> cat ceph-status
#==[ Command ]======================================#
# /usr/bin/ceph --connect-timeout=5 -s
    id:     7c9dc5a7-373d-4203-ad19-1a8d24c208d0
    health: HEALTH_WARN
            1 MDSs report oversized cache

    mon: 3 daemons, quorum ses-mon-1,ses-mon-2,ses-mon-3 (age 9d)
    mgr: ses-mon-2(active, since 9d), standbys: ses-mon-3, ses-mon-1
    mds: cephfs:1 {0=ses-mds-2=up:active} 1 up:standby
    osd: 247 osds: 247 up (since 23m), 246 in (since 9d)

  task status:

    pools:   14 pools, 3688 pgs
    objects: 538.54M objects, 744 TiB
    usage:   1.1 PiB used, 1.1 PiB / 2.3 PiB avail
    pgs:     2081 active+clean+snaptrim_wait
             1173 active+clean
             427  active+clean+snaptrim
             3    active+clean+scrubbing+deep+snaptrim_wait
             2    active+clean+scrubbing+deep
             2    active+clean+scrubbing+snaptrim_wait

    client:   69 MiB/s rd, 6.1 MiB/s wr, 4.65k op/s rd, 457 op/s wr

After 30 minutes the cluster health has gone to "HEALTH_OK" but reports of "No space left on device" when deleting some files/directories continues.


The error is observed when "num_strays" is near the default value of 1000000 (1 million), which is 10x the value of  "mds_bal_fragment_size_max" setting. To view "num_strays", run the following command on the active mds node: "ceph daemon mds.`hostname -s` perf dump | grep strays"

"mds_bal_fragment_size_max" is configured with default value "100000" (100 thousand).  The value of "mds_bal_fragment_size_max" can be viewed by running the following command on the mds node:
"ceph daemon mds.`hostname -s` config get mds_bal_fragment_size_max"

ses-mds-2:~ # ceph daemon mds.`hostname -s` config get mds_bal_fragment_size_max
    "mds_bal_fragment_size_max": "100000"

ses-mds-2:~ # ceph daemon mds.`hostname -s` perf dump | grep strays
        "num_strays": 996646,
        "num_strays_delayed": 0,
        "num_strays_enqueuing": 0,
        "strays_created": 10101709,
        "strays_enqueued": 9532957,
        "strays_reintegrated": 555,
        "strays_migrated": 0,

Increase "mds_bal_fragment_size_max = 200000" on the mds nodes:
  ceph daemon mds.$HOSTNAME config set mds_bal_fragment_size_max 200000

Then observe "ceph daemon mds.`hostname -s` perf dump | grep num_stray" to ensure the value remains under 2000000. If the value is near 2000000, increasing "mds_bal_fragment_size_max 400000"

Also add the desired configuration to the ceph.conf, as the above configure is not persistent. 


Note: Customer had increased "mds cache memory limit = 34359738367"
There is a correlation between `mds_cache_memory_limit` and `mds_bal_fragment_size_max` settings.  When increasing 'mds_cache_memory_limit',  `mds_bal_fragment_size_max` should also be increased as well, if the "num_strays" value is reaching its limit.  


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  • Document ID:000020569
  • Creation Date: 28-Jan-2022
  • Modified Date:31-Jan-2022
    • SUSE Enterprise Storage

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