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OnAccess-Scan functionality of clamav - ERROR: ClamInotif: could not watch path

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SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP4
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 15 SP4


When in the process of implementing clamav in an on-access configuration, the scanner cannot access a specific directory and, the following error message is received:
# clamonacc --verbose --foreground
ClamClient: client setup for continuous scanning
Clamonacc: daemon is local
ClamFanotif: kernel-level blocking feature enabled ... preventing malicious files access attempts
ClamFanotif: max file size limited to 5242880 bytes
ClamScanQueue: initializing event queue consumer ... (2) threads in thread pool
Clamonacc: beginning event loops
ClamInotif: starting inotify event loop ...
ClamFanotif: starting fanotify event loop with process id (13672) ... 
ClamInotif: dynamically determining directory hierarchy...
ClamScanQueue: waiting to consume events ...
ClamInotif: watching '/EXAMPLE' (and all sub-directories)
Excluding temp directory: /tmp/clamav
ClamInotif: NVM, didn't actually need to exclude '/tmp/clamav'
ERROR: ClamInotif: could not watch path '/EXAMPLE', 3    <---- here

The /etc/clamd.conf configuration file looks similar to the following:
# /etc/clamd.conf
LogSyslog yes
LogFacility LOG_LOCAL6
PidFile /var/lib/clamav/
LocalSocket /var/lib/clamav/clamd-socket
User vscan
TemporaryDirectory /tmp/clamav 
OnAccessPrevention True        
OnAccessExcludeRootUID True
OnAccessExcludeUname vscan
MaxThreads 4
MaxQueue 8
OnAccessMaxThreads 2           
OnAccessIncludePath /EXAMPLE   <---- here


In order to work around this issue, there are two possibilities:

1.    A more granular configuration can be specified for the directories to be watched or

2.    Mention the submounts first. For example, in the /etc/clamd.conf file, instead of:
OnAccessIncludePath /EXAMPLE

The following can be used:
OnAccessIncludePath /EXAMPLE/submount1
OnAccessIncludePath /EXAMPLE


According to the official On-Access Scanning documentation, it is not possible to monitor the entire system (/). The OnAccessIncludePath option will not accept / as a valid path, for example.

As also mentioned in this bug, it seems to be a small issue in how the watches are set up.

Additional Information



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  • Document ID:000021125
  • Creation Date: 29-Jun-2023
  • Modified Date:29-Jun-2023
    • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server
    • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications

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