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Lower Version numbers in SLE 11 SP3 than in the update repositories of SLE 11 SP2

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SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 Service Pack 2, Service Pack 3
SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 11 Service Pack 2, Service Pack 3
SUSE Linux Enterprise Real Time Extension 11 Service Pack 2, Service Pack 3


In certain upgrade scenarios from SLES/SLED 11 SP2 to SLES/SLED 11 SP3, you may encounter version downgrades of specific software packages, including the Linux Kernel.


SUSE Linux Enterprise Service Pack 3 has all its software packages and updates in the SP3 repositories. No packages from SP2 repositories are needed for installation or upgrade, not even from the SP2 update repositories.

Important to remember: The version number is not sufficient to determine which bugfixes are applied to a software package.

In case you add SP2 update repositories, you should be aware of one characteristic of the repository concept: Version numbers in the SP2 update repository can be higher than those in the SP3 repository. Thus, if you do an update with the SP2 repositories enabled, you may get the SP2-version of a package instead of the SP3-version. This is admittedly unfortunate.

It's recommended to avoid using the version from a lower SP, as using an SP2-package instead of the SP3-package can lead to unexpected side effects.  Thus we advise to switch off SP2 repositories, if you do not really need them, e.g. to access a specific older package version your systems depends on.

If you do need a package from a lower SP though, and thus have SP2 repositories enabled, please double check, if the packages you intended to upgrade have been upgraded.

Summarizing: if you have an SP2 with all patches and updates applied, and migrate off-line to SP3 GA, you will see a downgrade of some packages.  This is the expected behaviour.


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  • Document ID:7012717
  • Creation Date: 26-Jun-2013
  • Modified Date:03-Mar-2020
    • SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop
    • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server
    • SUSE Linux Enterprise Software Development Kit
    • SUSE Linux Enterprise Real Time Extension

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