CVE-2017-7435, CVE-2017-7436 and CVE-2017-9269: libzypp-16.15.2 and higher will no longer automatically accept unsigned packages / repositories.
This document (7021171) is provided subject to the disclaimer at the end of this document.
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 Service Pack 2 (SLES 12 SP2)
SUSE Manager 3
SUSE Manager 3.1
gpgcheck = 0
repo_gpgcheck = 0
pkg_gpgcheck = 1
With libzypp-16.16.* the above configuration will reject unsigned packages.
With zypper-1.13.31 the following new options will be available to manage the behaviour changes for adding and modifying repositories:
--gpgcheck (default: requires either signed repo or signed package)
gpgcheck = 1
(repo_gpgcheck/pkg_gpgcheck unset: follow zypp.conf)
--gpgcheck-strikt (requires signed package even for signed repos)
gpgcheck = 1
repo_gpgcheck = 1
pkg_gpgcheck = 1
--gpgcheck-allow-unsigned (allow repo and package to be unsigned)
gpgcheck = 1
repo_gpgcheck = 0
pkg_gpgcheck = 0
--gpgcheck-allow-unsigned-repo (allow repo to be unsigned)
gpgcheck = 1
repo_gpgcheck = 0
(pkg_gpgcheck unset: follow zypp.conf)
--gpgcheck-allow-unsigned-package (allow package to be unsigned)
gpgcheck = 1
(repo_gpgcheck unset: follow zypp.conf)
pkg_gpgcheck = 0
Additional Information
File 'repomd.xml' from repository 'repo_name' is unsigned, continue? [yes/no] (no):
and should it be a non-interactive run it will be declined by default.
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- Document ID:7021171
- Creation Date: 03-Aug-2017
- Modified Date:03-Mar-2020
- SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop
- SUSE Linux Enterprise Server
- SUSE Manager
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