After Rancher 2.6.x upgrade, HTTP 403 Errors in Rancher UI
This document (000020710) is provided subject to the disclaimer at the end of this document.
- Shell execution
- Yaml editing
Rancher Trace log:
## Clusterroles of the user $ kubectl get clusterrole | grep u-b3l74guter ## Clusterrolebindings of the user $ kubectl get clusterrolebinding | grep u-b3l74guter
2. From the previous output, the expected Clusterrole cattle-impersonation-u-xxxxxxxx is present, but the Clusterrolebinding is absent.
3. Delete the cattle-impersonation-user-xxxx Clusterrole of the user
$ kubectl delete clusterrole cattle-impersonation-u-b3l74guter4. Trigger the recreation of the Clusterrole and Clusterrolebinding by browsing to a Rancher feature.
e.g: open a Monitoring link in the cluster
This action triggered the recreation of the Clusterrole and Clusterrolebinding
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- Document ID:000020710
- Creation Date: 26-Jul-2022
- Modified Date:31-Aug-2022
- SUSE Rancher
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