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Security Vulnerability: CVE-2023-24932 BlackLotus bootkit

This document (000021066) is provided subject to the disclaimer at the end of this document.


Any UEFI secure boot enabled installation.


A UEFI bootkit called BlackLotus has been spotted in the wild, which uses buggy secure boot binaries to bypass the UEFI  secure boot chain.
While this component is not shipped by SUSE, to ensure the integrity of the UEFI secure boot chain the affected  components will need to be excluded from the UEFI secure boot space.
This is done via a so called "DBX" file which blocks UEFI binaries using signatures/hashes.


These DBX file updates can be delivered and deployed in different ways:

1. Via BIOS or Windows updates

   The DBX file can be delivered via BIOS updates or in case of a dual boot system are delivered with Windows updates.
   If installed via BIOS or Windows updates, no additional deployment on Linux is required.

2. Via the firmware update tool (fwupd)

   Download the current DBX revocation list from for the respective hardware platform.
   Use "fwupdmgr install x64_DBXUpdate.bin" and follow the prompts.
   NOTE: This update method only works starting with SUSE Linux Enterprise 15 SP3 based and newer products.

Note: This is a manual deployment and only needed in case of concerns about UEFI bootkits as they do not represent a 
common attack scenario.


Security Alert

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  • Document ID:000021066
  • Creation Date: 10-May-2023
  • Modified Date:10-May-2023
    • SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop
    • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server
    • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications
    • SUSE Linux Enterprise Micro

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