Using "mgr-storage-server" fails when used with LVM devices
This document (000021506) is provided subject to the disclaimer at the end of this document.
mgr-storage-server /dev/vg-spacewalk/lv-spacewalk /dev/vg-pgsql/lv-pgsql --> Checking disk for content signature --> Creating partition on disk /dev/dm-0 --> Creating xfs filesystem Error: xfs filesystem setup failed: Error accessing specified device /dev/dm-01: No such file or directory
The below workaround is ONLY needed if the installation is being done on bare metal and LVM is being used.
Take the following steps as a workaround:
1. Set up the LVM devices as required (using pvcreate, vgcreate and lvcreate) for the Database device and the spacewalk storage device.
2. Create the mount points for the DB and spacewalk devices:
mkdir /var/spacewalk mkdir /var/lib/pgsql3. Create the XFS file system on the two LVM devices created with 1. above:
mkfs.xfs /dev/<insert_vg>/<insert_lv>4. Obtain the UUID of the LVM device mapper LVM devices using for example "blkid". The output should look something like this example:
:~ # blkid /dev/mapper/vg--spacewalk-lv--spacewalk: UUID="3770ceaf-4a7b-483a-af33-bf81efae210f" BLOCK_SIZE="512" TYPE="xfs" /dev/mapper/vg--pgsql-lv--pgsql: UUID="38dbbe51-e3b9-4055-9255-81998d050116" BLOCK_SIZE="512" TYPE="xfs" /dev/sdc: UUID="u1R0mP-sVuv-w097-IjrS-G3R3-ITOB-bbzBd2" TYPE="LVM2_member" /dev/sda: UUID="RpZoOx-O0ZE-nGMZ-DcEB-HXcm-9vn9-kPap1L" TYPE="LVM2_member"5. Add the mount information for the relevant UUID's to the "/etc/fstab" file, using the above example output:
UUID=3770ceaf-4a7b-483a-af33-bf81efae210f /var/spacewalk xfs defaults 0 0 UUID=38dbbe51-e3b9-4055-9255-81998d050116 /var/lib/pgsql xfs defaults 0 06. Reboot and verify the devices have been properly mounted after the reboot.
7. Under the directory "/var/lib/containers/storage" create the "volumes" directory:
mkdir volumes8. In the "/var/lib/containers/storage/volumes" directory create the following two symlinks:
/var/lib/containers/storage/volumes # ln -s /var/spacewalk var-spacewalk /var/lib/containers/storage/volumes # ln -s /var/lib/pgsql var-pgsql9. Now it should be possible to run "mgradm podman install <fqdn>" normally to install using the LVM devices for the database and spacewalk storage.
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- Document ID:000021506
- Creation Date: 25-Jul-2024
- Modified Date:30-Jul-2024
- SUSE Manager Server
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