Security update for slurm
Announcement ID: | SUSE-SU-2017:3311-1 |
Rating: | moderate |
References: | |
Cross-References: | |
CVSS scores: |
Affected Products: |
An update that solves one vulnerability and has four security fixes can now be installed.
This update for slurm fixes the following issues:
Slurm was updated to 17.02.9 to fix a security bug, bringing new features and bugfixes (fate#323998 bsc#1067580).
Security issue fixed:
- CVE-2017-15566: Fix security issue in Prolog and Epilog by always prepending SPANK_ to all user-set environment variables. (bsc#1065697)
Changes in 17.02.9:
- When resuming powered down nodes, mark DOWN nodes right after ResumeTimeout has been reached (previous logic would wait about one minute longer).
- Fix sreport not showing full column name for TRES Count.
- Fix slurmdb_reservations_get() giving wrong usage data when job's spanned reservation that was modified.
- Fix sreport reservation utilization report showing bad data.
- Show all TRES' on a reservation in sreport reservation utilization report by default.
- Fix sacctmgr show reservation handling "end" parameter.
- Work around issue with sysmacros.h and gcc7 / glibc 2.25.
- Fix layouts code to only allow setting a boolean.
- Fix sbatch --wait to keep waiting even if a message timeout occurs.
- CRAY - If configured with NodeFeatures=knl_cray and there are non-KNL nodes which include no features the slurmctld will abort without this patch when attemping strtok_r(NULL).
- Fix regression in 17.02.7 which would run the spank_task_privileged as part of the slurmstepd instead of it's child process.
Changes in 17.02.8:
- Add 'slurmdbd:' to the accounting plugin to notify message is from dbd instead of local.
- mpi/mvapich - Buffer being only partially cleared. No failures observed.
- Fix for job --switch option on dragonfly network.
- In salloc with --uid option, drop supplementary groups before changing UID.
- jobcomp/elasticsearch - strip any trailing slashes from JobCompLoc.
- jobcomp/elasticsearch - fix memory leak when transferring generated buffer.
- Prevent slurmstepd ABRT when parsing gres.conf CPUs.
- Fix sbatch --signal to signal all MPI ranks in a step instead of just those on node 0.
- Check multiple partition limits when scheduling a job that were previously only checked on submit.
- Cray: Avoid running application/step Node Health Check on the external job step.
- Optimization enhancements for partition based job preemption.
- Address some build warnings from GCC 7.1, and one possible memory leak if /proc is inaccessible.
- If creating/altering a core based reservation with scontrol/sview on a remote cluster correctly determine the select type.
- Fix autoconf test for libcurl when clang is used.
- Fix default location for cgroup_allowed_devices_file.conf to use correct default path.
- Document NewName option to sacctmgr.
- Reject a second PMI2_Init call within a single step to prevent slurmstepd from hanging.
- Handle old 32bit values stored in the database for requested memory correctly in sacct.
- Fix memory leaks in the task/cgroup plugin when constraining devices.
- Make extremely verbose info messages debug2 messages in the task/cgroup plugin when constraining devices.
- Fix issue that would deny the stepd access to /dev/null where GRES has a 'type' but no file defined.
- Fix issue where the slurmstepd would fatal on job launch if you have no gres listed in your slurm.conf but some in gres.conf.
- Fix validating time spec to correctly validate various time formats.
- Make scontrol work correctly with job update timelimit [+|-]=.
- Reduce the visibily of a number of warnings in _part_access_check.
- Prevent segfault in sacctmgr if no association name is specified for an update command.
- burst_buffer/cray plugin modified to work with changes in Cray UP05 software release.
- Fix job reasons for jobs that are violating assoc MaxTRESPerNode limits.
- Fix segfault when unpacking a 16.05 slurm_cred in a 17.02 daemon.
- Fix setting TRES limits with case insensitive TRES names.
- Add alias for xstrncmp() -- slurm_xstrncmp().
- Fix sorting of case insensitive strings when using xstrcasecmp().
- Gracefully handle race condition when reading /proc as process exits.
- Avoid error on Cray duplicate setup of core specialization.
- Skip over undefined (hidden in Slurm) nodes in pbsnodes.
- Add empty hashes in perl api's slurm_load_node() for hidden nodes.
- CRAY - Add rpath logic to work for the alpscomm libs.
- Fixes for administrator extended TimeLimit (job reason & time limit reset).
- Fix gres selection on systems running select/linear.
- sview: Added window decorator for maximize,minimize,close buttons for all systems.
- squeue: interpret negative length format specifiers as a request to delimit values with spaces.
- Fix the torque pbsnodes wrapper script to parse a gres field with a type set correctly.
This update also contains pdsh rebuilt against the new libslurm version.
Patch Instructions:
To install this SUSE update use the SUSE recommended
installation methods like YaST online_update or "zypper patch".
Alternatively you can run the command listed for your product:
HPC Module 12
zypper in -t patch SUSE-SLE-Module-HPC-12-2017-2072=1
Package List:
HPC Module 12 (aarch64 x86_64)
- slurm-debugsource-17.02.9-6.10.1
- slurm-debuginfo-17.02.9-6.10.1
- pdsh-debugsource-2.33-7.5.17
- slurm-slurmdbd-17.02.9-6.10.1
- slurm-torque-debuginfo-17.02.9-6.10.1
- libslurm31-17.02.9-6.10.1
- libpmi0-debuginfo-17.02.9-6.10.1
- slurm-munge-debuginfo-17.02.9-6.10.1
- slurm-pam_slurm-debuginfo-17.02.9-6.10.1
- perl-slurm-17.02.9-6.10.1
- slurm-auth-none-debuginfo-17.02.9-6.10.1
- slurm-plugins-debuginfo-17.02.9-6.10.1
- slurm-slurmdb-direct-17.02.9-6.10.1
- pdsh-debuginfo-2.33-7.5.17
- libslurm31-debuginfo-17.02.9-6.10.1
- slurm-lua-17.02.9-6.10.1
- libslurm29-
- slurm-sql-debuginfo-17.02.9-6.10.1
- slurm-doc-17.02.9-6.10.1
- slurm-pam_slurm-17.02.9-6.10.1
- slurm-sched-wiki-17.02.9-6.10.1
- slurm-17.02.9-6.10.1
- slurm-munge-17.02.9-6.10.1
- libslurm29-debuginfo-
- slurm-plugins-17.02.9-6.10.1
- libpmi0-17.02.9-6.10.1
- slurm-auth-none-17.02.9-6.10.1
- perl-slurm-debuginfo-17.02.9-6.10.1
- slurm-torque-17.02.9-6.10.1
- slurm-devel-17.02.9-6.10.1
- slurm-lua-debuginfo-17.02.9-6.10.1
- slurm-sql-17.02.9-6.10.1
- pdsh-2.33-7.5.17
- slurm-slurmdbd-debuginfo-17.02.9-6.10.1