Upstream information

CVE-2007-3781 at MITRE


MySQL Community Server before 5.0.45 does not require privileges such as SELECT for the source table in a CREATE TABLE LIKE statement, which allows remote authenticated users to obtain sensitive information such as the table structure.

SUSE information

Overall state of this security issue: Does not affect SUSE products

This issue is currently not rated by SUSE as it is not affecting the SUSE Enterprise products.

CVSS v2 Scores
  National Vulnerability Database
Base Score 4
Vector AV:N/AC:L/Au:S/C:P/I:N/A:N
Access Vector Network
Access Complexity Low
Authentication Single
Confidentiality Impact Partial
Integrity Impact None
Availability Impact None
SUSE Bugzilla entries: 292994 [RESOLVED / FIXED], 604528 [RESOLVED / FIXED]

No SUSE Security Announcements cross referenced.

SUSE Timeline for this CVE

CVE page created: Tue Jul 9 15:41:54 2013
CVE page last modified: Sat Feb 15 14:53:58 2025