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pvscan and vgscan segfault during boot

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SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 Service Pack 2
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 Service Pack 3


During one in about three boots vgscan or pvscan segfaults:

Waiting for udev to settle...
Scanning for LVM volume groups...
/etc/init.d/boot.lvm: line 29: 13659 Segmentation fault
/sbin/vgscan --mknodes Activating LVM volume groups...
/etc/init.d/boot.lvm: line 29: 13660 Segmentation fault
/sbin/vgchange -a y $LVM_VGS_ACTIVATED_ON_BOOT ..failed Waiting for /dev/vg01/home

System boots into single mode, where manual vgscan's and pvscan's also segfault.

The problem is triggered by differences in the size of device names:

for example79 character names like
and smaller names like

A reboot, sometimes two or three, resolves the problem.


The problem is caused by a Bug in device-mapper.  The device-mapper update corrects the problem. Please update device-mapper to version -1.02.13-6.17.1.


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  • Document ID:7004924
  • Creation Date: 24-Nov-2009
  • Modified Date:24-Feb-2021
    • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server

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