suse_register updates /etc/zmd/zmd.conf with unnecessary proxy information
This document (7006462) is provided subject to the disclaimer at the end of this document.
In /etc/sysconfig/proxy proxy settings are enabled and variable for all _PROXY are set, including NO_PROXY.
When is run, it invokes suse_register which updates proxy-url in /etc/zmd/zmd.conf.
ZMD does not honor the NO_PROXY settings if it is set. This causes problems when the client tries to contact the SMT server and the client doesn't find the SMT server and no updates are available.
Eventually you will see the following error messages in /var/log/zmd-messages.log:
2010-07-19 18:56:28 INFO WebCache Retrieval of '' (try 1) failed: The remote server returned an error: (503) Service Unavailable.
2010-07-19 18:56:30 INFO WebCache Attempting to retrieve '' (try 2)
2010-07-19 18:57:45 INFO WebCache Retrieval of '' (try 2) failed: The remote server returned an error: (503) Service Unavailable.
2010-07-19 18:57:47 INFO WebCache Attempting to retrieve '' (try 3)
2010-07-19 18:59:02 INFO WebCache Retrieval of '' (try 3) failed: The remote server returned an error: (503) Service Unavailable.
2010-07-19 18:59:04 INFO Progress Progress.Stop Message: Download failed: ( The remote server returned an error: (503) Service Unavailable.
2010-07-19 18:59:04 INFO Progress Progress.Stop Message: Failed to download XML metadata: Download failed: ( The remote server returned an error: (503) Service Unavailable.
2010-07-19 18:59:04 INFO ServiceManager Failed to add service '' (keeping): Failed to download XML metadata: Download failed: ( The remote server returned an error: (503) Service Unavailable.
Engineering built a patch which evaluates the NO_PROXY variable and provides a proxy-excludes to ZMD. This will add a line to /etc/zmd/zmd.conf adding the NO_PROXY value from /etc/sysconfig/proxy.
The suseRegister update, suseRegister-1.2-9.48.2 released September 2010 includes the patch to resolve the problem. Please update the package with the latest available update.
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- Document ID:7006462
- Creation Date: 16-Jul-2010
- Modified Date:24-Feb-2021
- SUSE Linux Enterprise Server
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