SES clock skew detected, custom /etc/ntp.conf wanted
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SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 Service Pack 3 (SLES 12 SP3)
The administrator wants to customize /etc/ntp.conf for the ceph cluster
Any changes made to the /etc/ntp.conf get overwritten when when ceph.stage.[2-4] are applied
1. Make a copy of the NTP salt state and the ntp.conf.j2 template files
# cp /srv/salt/ceph/time/ntp/files/ntp.conf.j2 /srv/salt/ceph/time/ntp/files/custom-ntp.conf.j2
# cp /srv/salt/ceph/time/ntp/default.sls /srv/salt/ceph/time/ntp/custom.sls
2. Modify the custom salt state file to use the custom template file
# vi /srv/salt/ceph/time/ntp/custom.sls
- source:
- salt://ceph/time/ntp/files/ntp.conf.j2
- source:
- salt://ceph/time/ntp/files/custom-ntp.conf.j2
3. Modify the custom NTP template file to suit your needs. In this case the changes will make NTP on all servers reference the same time source, instead of the admin node. It will also add additional time source servers. Make changes needed that will keep your cluster's time in sync.
NOTE: The following is only an example and may not work in your environment.
# vi /srv/salt/ceph/time/ntp/files/custom-ntp.conf.j2
server {{ salt['pillar.get']('time_server') }} burst iburst
server burst iburst
server burst iburst
server burst iburst
server burst iburst
4. Change the local global.yml file to reference your custom salt state
# vi /srv/pillar/ceph/stack/global.yml
time_ntp: custom
5. Run ceph.stage.2 to verify your changes
# salt-run state.orch ceph.stage.2
# salt '*' pillar.get time_ntp
If the time_ntp value in global.yml, in this case "custom," shows up on all nodes, then the changes have been correctly made. If not, correct any mistakes made in the previous three steps and try again.
6. Apply your changes to one node to confirm everything is configured as expected. In this case, the changes were tested on the first monitor node.
# salt 'mon*1' state.apply ceph.time
# cat /etc/ntp.conf
Take a look at /etc/ntp.conf and verify that your changes are there. If the changes are correct, then apply the changes to all nodes.
7. Run ceph.stage.3 to apply your changes to all nodes
# salt-run state.orch ceph.stage.3
8. Restart the ntpd daemon on all affected nodes
# salt '*' 'systemctl restart ntpd.service'
9. Check that NTP is in sync on all nodes and that each server reflects the changes made.
# salt '*' 'ntpq -p'
The cluster is primarily concerned about time being in sync among the monitor nodes and only allows a time drift of 0.5 seconds among them before detecting a clock skew. Fix time sync among the monitor nodes to remove the error.
Additional Information
# vi /srv/pillar/ceph/stack/global.yml
time_ntp: custom
time_init: ntp
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- Document ID:7023094
- Creation Date: 13-Jun-2018
- Modified Date:03-Mar-2020
- SUSE Enterprise Storage
- SUSE Linux Enterprise Server
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