Weak password encryption used when changing NIS user password
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SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12
pam-config -a --unix --unix-sha512Which successfully resulted in changes to the /etc/pam.d/common-* files, including this line from common-password:
password required pam_unix.so use_authtok debug sha512 nis try_first_passFor the most part, this has taken effect. However, when NIS users change their password with the passwd command, the new password hash gets set using weaker encryption.
ypcat passwd | grep <username>It is clear in the ypcat data that before the change, a very long complex hash was present, and after the change, a rather short hash was present. (Note: In this NIS database, shadow data has been merged into passwd data.)
Find and set these settings to sha512 (or whatever encryption is desired):
ENCRYPT_METHOD SHA512 ENCRYPT_METHOD_NIS SHA512For more information, also see "man pam_unix" as well as comments within /etc/login.defs.
Find and set these settings to sha512 (or whatever encryption is desired):
CRYPT=sha512 CRYPT_FILES=sha512 CRYPT_YP=sha512
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- Document ID:7023131
- Creation Date: 27-Jun-2018
- Modified Date:03-Nov-2020
- SUSE Linux Enterprise Server
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