Unconfigured ethernet device shows up in YaST2 after installation of vmware-tools
This document (3522482) is provided subject to the disclaimer at the end of this document.
Delete the configured network device
Configure the remaining unconfigured ethernet device
Ensure the 'configuration name' field points to the MAC address of the ethernet device rather than using the PCI-BUS-ID.
To discover the the MAC address of the ethernet device use the command
ip a
Please note the MAC address needs to be put in as 'id-MAC' into the'configuration name' field (e.g., id-00:1c:23:94:7b:97). This ensures the creation of the apropriate configuration file using the MAC-address (/etc/sysconfig/network/ifcfg-eth-id-MAC) instead of the PCI-BUS-ID.
In case this is skipped, the initialisation of the network will fail with the message:
ERROR: "no configuration found for ethX'
rcnetwork restart
is executed manually.
Save the network settings and exit the YaST2 lan module.
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- Document ID:3522482
- Creation Date: 17-Mar-2008
- Modified Date:24-Feb-2021
- SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop
- SUSE Linux Enterprise Server
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