Basic LVM Health Check
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SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10
LVM needs to scan the disks for LVM meta data. It uses vgscan to do so. Once it finds disks with meta data, it runs the vgchange -ay command to activate any volumes that may be defined on the disks with LVM meta data. The boot.lvm script performs this action.
So boot.lvm must be turned on. The boot.device-mapper script should be on, and generally boot.evms is turned off. The script should only if you are running software raid.
When the lvm2 RPM package is checked, there should be no binaries or library files that have been changed. If they have consider reinstalling the package.
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- Document ID:7002759
- Creation Date: 17-Mar-2009
- Modified Date:13-Mar-2021
- SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop
- SUSE Linux Enterprise Server
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