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iSCSI initiator does not discover iSCSI target when TCP/IP is working

This document (7018427) is provided subject to the disclaimer at the end of this document.


SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 Service Pack 3 (SLES 11 SP3)
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 Service Pack 4 (SLES 11 SP4)


iSCSI initiator may work from other hosts.  When attempting to discover LUNs on an iSCSI target host, no results are returned using both YaST and iscsiadm.


Run a whoami to verify that the username 'root' is returned:
hostname:~ # whoami

If this command returns with any username other than root, move this other UID 0 user below the root user line in /etc/passwd .

This user may also be assigned a different UID or deleted altogether, depending on the environment.

Any lines with a UID of 0 in /etc/passwd can be printed with this awk script:
hostname:~ # awk -F: '$3 ~ /^0$/' /etc/passwd


One or more users (other than the root user) in the /etc/passwd file have a UID of 0. 

Additional Information

UID 0 is the ID used for the root user. Conflicts or unexpected behavior may occur if any other user is set up with UID 0 and placed above (before) the root user in the /etc/passwd file.  Except in niche cases, using a UID of 0 for any user other than root is generally considered bad practice and should not be set up without a valid reason.

To modify the UID of an example user, tim, to a UID of 2345, use this command:
hostname:~ # usermod -u 2345 tim
To delete this user, instead, run this command:
hostname:~ # deluser tim


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  • Document ID:7018427
  • Creation Date: 29-Dec-2016
  • Modified Date:03-Mar-2020
    • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server

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