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How to setup a Raid1 device in a ha-cluster without using DLM

This document (7023520) is provided subject to the disclaimer at the end of this document.


SUSE Linux Enterprise High Availability Extension 12


1. Server does have multiple RAID1 devices and one of them has to be controlled by the cluster without using DLM.
2. This RAID1 device is not allowed to go active when the server boots.


1. Looking at the primitive of Raid1 in HA, the path to a configuration file is needed e.g. raidconf=

This can be used to point to an user defined configuration file. In this example: /etc/mdadmha.conf.
This file should be available on both nodes!

The contents of this file should be similar to the following.

DEVICE containers partitions
ARRAY /dev/md2 metadata=1.2 name=node2:test2 UUID=5170ae45:a9ee53ed:f9a5e4fd:6c83dda8

In the end the Raid1 primitive will look like this:

primitive prim_raid1_md2 Raid1 \
        params raidconf="/etc/mdadmha.conf" raiddev="/dev/md2" \
        op start interval=0 timeout=20s \
        op stop interval=0 timeout=20s \
        op monitor interval=10 timeout=20s

2. To avoid the Raid1 device being active at boot time, the line AUTO -all must be added to the default /etc/mdadm.conf

AUTO -all
DEVICE containers partitions
ARRAY /dev/md1 metadata=1.2 name=node1:test1 UUID=85531263:52c167a5:134cdb68:9d69d21c

This will activate /dev/md1 but not /dev/md2

AUTO -all will avoid auto-assembling all arrays, only the ones listed in this file are assembled.


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  • Document ID:7023520
  • Creation Date: 14-Nov-2018
  • Modified Date:03-Mar-2020
    • SUSE Linux Enterprise High Availability Extension

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